They use fear as their weapon. The question is, what should you really be afraid of...a natural exposure that may not even be symptomatic, is treatable if it becomes symptomatic, and provides long lasting immunity: OR injecting yourself with foreign proteins or messages to make foreign proteins in a delivery system that is known to be toxic, can do permanent damage, and will not provide long lasting immunity.

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I'm not concerned about the kind of natural exposure you describe. I'm concerned about exposure to lab-souped-up viruses falsely publicized as nasty natural diseases. I think the design of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was diabolically clever. HIV "bits", venom peptides incorporated into the spike, proclivity for spike protein to attach to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors... I shudder to think what gain-of-function "goodies" are being cooked up to continue the depopulation agenda.

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Whatever they cook up, we still have natural defenses to keep us protected. Those who haven't destroyed their innate immune systems with the previous concoctions will still have T-cells that can identify any foreign protein they could ever come up with. Plus, zinc with quercitin will slow the replication of any RNA virus, even ones that have been tinkered with in the lab. And, as Dr. McCollough correctly points out, nasal rinses and mouthwashes can be used if desired to prevent whatever it is from getting through mucosal linings.

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Haven’t people like this guy injured and killed enough people via the covid vaxxes. We are all witnessing loved ones injured or dead post vaxx. We must stop this fearmongering once and for all. Enough is enough.

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I don’t think all that many people are going to fall for it this time around. For most folks, these psychopaths are just outing themselves. Crying the sky is falling one time too many.

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As a veterinarian, I am calling mostly BS. Of course, any disease has the potential to wreak havoc in certain people......BUT.....Influenza A and B strains typically DON'T infect cattle. And they are supposedly 'diagnosing' them with garbage PCR tests. I don't doubt for one minute that they are finding the virus or parts of the virus in these cattle....but does that REALLY mean they are infected?

The overly mild symptoms in these cattle is suspicious. Why? From a herd production standpoint, this is not a big deal---a slight dip in appetite and milk production that is self limiting(NO FATALITIES) could just as easily be described as 'Tuesday' at the dairy. These occurrences are seen often when dealing with herds of animals. Add that, according to reports, these were older cows mainly affected and it becomes even more mundane......and yet....for some REASON, it became a big deal. Unlike when West Nile blew through the horse population initially, causing serious disease and death(like new viral introduction into species usually does), this first ever intro of Influenza A into a novel species, cattle, is causing phfft. That's not a typo. This Henny Penny 'outbreak' is causing almost undetectable disease....and yet, according to an article in the AVMA Newletter I got yesterday, they ran 'hundreds of tests.'

This flies in the face of SOPs of production animal operations everywhere. There is a tight profit margin on all of these operations and a farm owner isn't going to consent to nonstop testing that takes longer than the disease to run it's course. If they really ran 'hundreds of tests,' as reported, that translates into many thousands of dollars to detect what's causing a loss of much less......it doesn't make economic sense to chase this to ANY farmer.....so who is behind going down the rabbit hole to find this flu in cattle? If you have been in veterinary medicine as long as I have and raise cattle as well, the whole thing makes ZERO sense. Someone is pulling some strings to make sure these cattle at least look 'infected.' I'm not so sure they are.

The biggest issue with PCR testing from the beginning has been the ability of the test and the willingness of those running it, to amplify contamination into infection. Someone WANTS us to believe that these barely ill cattle are the beginning of something horrible and scary and we are all gonna die......I don't believe it. I didn't believe it with COVID either. This is even LESS believable than COVID to me because of my occupation and experience.

Of course, there is no way to go back in time, but cows have been fed chicken litter for a loooong time.....why didn't anyone test them for HPAI when the chicken pandemic first started? Hmmmm.

Also, there is a concept in production health called depop/repop, where you cull(kill) all the sick animals and replace them with healthy ones.....I hope to GOD they aren't that diabolical with this minor issue....but I see them stoking the panic fires and I hope they don't start just willy nilly killing cattle like they do the chickens. It's a huge difference. A broiler chicken grows to butcher weight in 8 weeks.....a cow doesn't produce milk until they are at least 2 and you usually don't harvest any meat until they are 18 mo to 2 yrs old. Turning this latest scamdemic into a reason to kill thousands of cattle will result in further inflated food costs and you can't replace the cattle anywhere near as quickly as the chickens culled.

Finally....from a purely veterinary standpoint, culling is so stupid with HPAI. It's spread by migratory birds. You can kill all the commercial animals you want.....it's still going to spread. And you are just insuring that you will NEVER develop any robust immunity by allowing the disease to cull the weakly immune birds and, God forbid, cattle.

I hate to say it, but I can totally wrap this all up in one little liberal bow---we can have a scary disease and sell $$$billions in vaccines, we can lock people up and control them, we can get rid of ready sources of safe, excellent protein, we can stop 'torturing' the poor cows by milking them, we can be 'healthier' by eating only plant based 'food,' and....we can stop all those horrible cow farts from killing the planet.....and that is how the diabolical progressive mind works....If you can't imagine it, you ain't thinking hard enough.

Nobody EVER touches my chickens or cattle except for me.

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Great info. Just another reason For This Administration to Cull More Cows, Close Down Farms, and Create More Of A Food Shortage, And To Continue Their Climate Change Agenda.

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Thank you!!!

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I think they are trying to manufacture a food crisis. I am a Midwestern Farmers wife and the amount of prime farmland that is being taken out of production for solar and wind projects is unbelievable. The amount of money that these foreign companies are offering farmers to purchase or lease is crazy high. Then the weather seems so unpredictable, dare I suggest that there is some weather manipulation going on? I can’t believe this is where our beautiful country is today. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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And now the news is reporting that some cats have died from H5N1. The fear mongering will be ramping up in time for Election Day so that more people will be told to vote by mail or use a drop box. 2020 all over again.

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Anyone still listening to Farrar at this point must be a complete fool but, sadly, McCullough's credibility is at an all time low because he is making a bad situation ( mostly contrived) worse by selling his TWC "contagion kits" which is just another form of fear mongering and profit-making.

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What data or experience do you have that Dr. McCullough's credibility is at an all time low, and it's because The Wellness Company is selling products he recommends and has helped develop?

I for one don't see what he's doing as fear-mongering, but as alerting people to real risks and telling them about ways they can protect themselves. He has consistently told people about simple protections like nasal washes and mouthwashes using Lugol's iodine, which people can easily order online from Amazon or other sources. I appreciate what he's doing. His credibility with me remains high.

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Yes, I agree with you Kayla! Dr McCullough's Credibility Is At an All Time High Nationally & Internationally. He has Courageously Provided Much Needed Valuable Information To Assist All, Young & Old in Removing The Toxic/Fatal Spike Protein From the Body, and The Products To Actually Do Just That. He Also Shares Preventative Measures. America Loves Dr McCullough. There's always that one in the crowd, naysayer, a big pharma/Biden plant to incite bs & chaos.

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Sadly, I agree

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Dr. Wei-Hsung Lin, a physician in WA state was fined and is to suffer other penalties for prescribing ivermectin to 5 patients. His crime was that he didn’t explain that he was prescribing it off-label, what the risks and benefits were, much like what you’re supposed to do as if it were a controlled dangerous substance. Do your doctors go through all of this with every drug they prescribe? I doubt it. I would expect prescribers to inform patients what the drug is for and known risks or adverse reactions to report and how to avoid them, but this punishment seemed out of the ordinary just because the drug was ivermectin. And I wonder who reported him to the medical Board. Was it all 5 patients, and why would they do that?

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As we all standby and watch our friends and loved ones who took these poisonous injections, suffer a fib, strokes, heart attacks, transverse myelitis, sepsis, myocarditis, and so many cancers, I have lost count. It is time to say no more.stop the vaxxes. Jail those who created these poisons, those who mandated or pushed these poisons and those who carried out the administration of these poison without informed consent.

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We all know about Jeremy Farrar. He is the last person in the world to go to for any king of medical or scientific advice. Look what he accomplished pushing the “safe and effective” vaccines that have injure and killled THOUSANDS, if not millions!

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Best estimates of Covid vaccine deaths are in the region of 20 million to which must be added those with serious permanent injuries and the deaths that will follow.

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And where did you say he works now??????

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The more these grifters experiment with pathogens, the closer we are to a mass die off.

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"We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin." As a real scientist, this statement proves to me this man is a liar, not a scientist. I have hundreds of real scientific articles that prove this, all this creep has is money and lies!

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It proves he is as criminal and despicable as those who orchestrated the killing of millions in German concentration camps and likely derived psychological pleasure in doing so.

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He is a liar. You are correct.

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Do not believe any of it - NOT A SINGLE WORD coming out of his mouth.

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As RFK Jr describes in his monumental book The Real Anthony Fauci this Jeremy Farrar is a pawn at the service of the pharma complex. He is once again peddling lies and creating the standard fear climate about some new bullshit virus (no doubt this time destined to virtually wipe out the entire humanity) and, in the process, laughing all the way to the bank to cash in his pharma kickbacks.

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I for one can no longer sit and listen to so much bullsh.. hasn’t this man caused enough death and destruction? Guess nor as now he wants to weaponise bird flu. These people’s house of cards are collapsing. Let us hope he is one of the cards that fails.

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Couldn't get past the milk aerosolizing comment. 99.99% of cows in the U.S. are milked with machines where the teats are enclosed in a self contained vacuum.

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Geez, I'll have to remember not to milk my cow by hand if the bird flu comes around. Just kidding, I don't have a cow. But I have milked cows by hand before. I'd be more afraid of aerosolized viruses in the cow's breath and farts than the in the milk, if I was going to be afraid of anything. Heck, I'd probably drink the milk (raw) to get the antibodies it would contain.

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More fear mongering!

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Rumsfeld's 2005 Rummy Flu redux.. NO RNA molecule has the fidelity to pandemic but the windfall for Biotech Mafia does replicate again and again!!

"On November 1, President George W. Bush went to the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland to hold a high profile press conference, to announce a 381-page plan, officially called the Pandemic Influenza Strategic Plan.

It was no ordinary Bush photo opportunity. This one was meant to be a big splash event. The President was surrounded by almost half his cabinet, including Secretary of State Condi Rice, joined by the Secretaries of Homeland Security, Agriculture, Health & Human Services, Transportation and, interestingly enough, Veteran Affairs. And, just to underscore that this was a big deal, the White House invited the Director-General of the World Health Organization, who flew in from Geneva for the occasion.

The President began his remarks with the now-obligatory scare-story from 1918: ‘At this moment, there is no pandemic influenza in the United States or the world. But if history is our guide, there is reason to be concerned. In the last century, our country and the world have been hit by three influenza pandemics — and viruses from birds contributed to all of them. The first, which struck in 1918, killed over half-a-million Americans and more than 20 million people across the globe…’

He was remarkably candid about the imminent danger to the American people: ‘Scientists and doctors cannot tell us where or when the next pandemic will strike, or how severe it will be, but most agree: at some point, we are likely to face another pandemic. And the scientific community is increasingly concerned by a new influenza virus known as H5N1 — or avian flu…’

Mr. Bush went on to stress, ‘At this point, we do not have evidence that a pandemic is imminent..... "


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He is no better than the CDC….do not believe a word he says…. not one word . And with that said you and your family will live longer for sure.

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