Seems bird-brained to listen to the WHO after the last four years but birds of a feather...

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Apr 21·edited Apr 21

It would seem advisable to provide context and/or a disclaimer when quoting or citing the WHO to avoid lending any credibility to that discredited and corrupt organization. It could come in any form. An example: "We've learned not to trust the WHO. Its response to the alleged pandemic was, at best, politicized, and the WHO's leadership is, at best, incompetent. Many of the WHO's policies, like pushing the dangerous and experimental Covid shots while simultaneously discouraging and criticizing early treatment, are extremely harmful and cause injury and death. Having said that, it's important to pay attention to what the WHO says and does so we can protect ourselves from whatever the WHO and those who control it may be planning. In that regard, WHO recently announced [bird flu]."

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I did all that in 17 words using humor and no condescension.

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Man made bird flu. Humans do not get infected UNLESS this flu has been weaponised, man-manipulated into a bioweapon. Hasn’t that been STOPPED after fours years of the plandemic or is the WHO and all the countries that financially support this corrupt organisation,really that damn stupid?

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Right on! Exactly right!

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Yes they are stupid ,and also greedy .Follow the money

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Peter, actually Tamiflu doesn’t work well at all for regular strains of influenzas. Why don’t you include Nitazoxinide in your kit instead?? That’s what I will take if I get stricken and also what I will be giving to all my loved ones. Tamiflu is in my opinion, a failed drug and I was a practicing family med NP for 20 years.

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Agree 100%

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Another extremely timely planned plandemic by the WHO as it tries to convince the world to adopt its "health treaties" and one world health SCAM; and, as usual and convenient, they blame the animals: "global zoonotic animal pandemic"!?....MY ASS! A lot of BS which also goes for the Wellness Company taking advantage of this latest scamdemic and promoting the same willful ignorance of lies and deception; the real human to human transmission will be the all too familiar stupidity of the masses, including many who follow this site.

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Dont you feel the point of including the WHO proclamation is to keep us abreast of the 'official' proclamations? Honestly I dont see it as in any way promoting the WHO. Know thy enemy sort of thing?.... what are they up to?

Considering the sum of discussion on this site recently concerning disease X and the next pandemic that was my first thought. Your darker thoughts would have been well down the list.

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I have to admit the wellness co is. Or doing itself any favours

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Ivermectin is better. Tamiflu is a waste of money.

From epocrates: CME: Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) does not reduce the likelihood of hospitalization in adultshttps://online.epocrates.com/contextuallink/article/cme-oseltamivir-tamiflu-does-not-reduce-the-likelihood-of-hospitalization-in?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios

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I 100% agree, Alieta. I dislike that Peter included this in his “kit.” It doesn’t work. “Ivy” and Nitazoxinide work immensely better.

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IVM is in the promoted kit

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Dr. McCullough never mentions ivermectin? What gives? Most of us that get whats going on have stocked up on this plus essential vit these people were recommending during the coronavirus outbreak. This makes me suspicious. Is there anyone who can explain?

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Some of the past few days of substacks from Peter McCullough do not feel right. Is someone else using his name?

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I think 🤔 we just thought that he was someone that he’s not. We put him in the hero category without question because he was our voice regarding the vaccines injuries. So we assumed that his stance on this issue was across the board. I had this rude awakening last November when I ended up with a pro Covid vaccine person at the Wellness Company that I scheduled an appointment with based on the recommendation of Dr. McCullough. During that appointment, I was also told that Covid vaccine promoter and giver Dr. Drew was joining Dr. McCullough at the Wellness Company. So it’s a lesson to all of us that no matter what we hear, we need to pay attention to ACTIONS!!

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Somebody is fiddling with Dr Peter McCullough’s reputation. Beware folks.

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Beware folks something is amiss on dr McCullough’s substack.

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Agree. Something is amiss.

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Well it is in the kit.

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Dear Substack friends,

Don’t act out of fear!! Please consider this information from Dr. Joseph Feldman, MD, Medical Director of Mount Sinai Doctors-Urgent Care regarding Tamiflu® which is the brand for oseltamivir which is what Dr. McCullough is promoting in this Substack.

“Is It Worth It to Take Tamiflu?

Updated on Sep 7, 2023 | Cold and Flu, Your Health

As an urgent care physician, Joseph Feldman, MD, Medical Director of Mount Sinai Doctors-Urgent Care, sees many patients with flu-like symptoms who have questions about how to treat their illness.

How effective is Tamiflu?

Unfortunately, the effectiveness of Tamiflu is marginal, as it cannot “cure” the illness. Most studies have shown that the medication will reduce the length of symptoms by only 12 to 24 hours, and if started after two days of symptoms, it does not help at all.

It is important to keep effectiveness in mind, as expectations for Tamiflu are often very high and, frankly, overhyped. The drug is usually taken for five to seven days and, if paying out of pocket, can cost more than $100. It can be challenging to find as it is often out of stock at multiple pharmacies given the high demand. Additionally, as with any medication, Tamiflu has potential side effects which may bring more harm than good. The most common of these are nausea, vomiting, and headaches that could exacerbate pre-existing conditions or lead to worsening dehydration. Other side effects, such as a severe allergic reaction, confusion, abnormal behavior, seizures, and life-threatening rashes, can occur but are extremely rare.”

Substack friends,

I hope this information is helpful for your decision making process. The Wellness Company’s bottom line is profit, not your health!! I know your trust in Dr. McCullough can make you act without thinking or investigating the topic. I trusted him which is why I booked an appointment with TWC without question. But, it was a costly and emotionally devastating experience because I ended up getting an appointment with a pro Covid vaccine PA which I never would have expected from a recommendation by Dr. McCullough. So I’m writing this because I don’t want you to be exploited as I was. We mustn’t allow our health and well being to be used for profit anymore!! So just say NO TO FEAR MONGERING!! Thanks, Bambi Forester

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

Pro vaccine? Our host needs to reply to this. Emotionally devastating is strong language.

In the last half year or so, maybe a year by now, most or all of his interviews include our host questioning the safety or usefulness of the childhood schedule, directly. He likes to point out he took 67 or whatever jabs but now after his awakening can no longer support, and is in fact concerned it is yet more lies and manipulated science. I know what I am saying, I watch most of his interviews, eventually. What I say is factual. And he has been absolutely clear on the covid 'vaccines' for far longer and far louder, with sworn testimony not to mention every interview for like 3 years, there is hardly a person on the planet who has spoken louder or more consistently on the dangers of the covid jabs.

So if his wellness company is supporting, that is a major disconnect from McCullough himself. Its a disturbing picture you paint.

Dr McCullough?

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Hi Grant,

I understand your shock. That is why I was devastated. I trusted Dr. McCullough implicitly, and I still can’t understand why he recommended a company that had a pro Covid vaccine person which was my experience with an appointment with them. Then, I was further shocked when Dr. McCullough aligned with Dr. Drew who joins him at TWC because Dr. Drew continued vaccinating his elderly patients despite the years of information he heard regarding the injuries and deaths they cause from brilliant doctors on his weekly show which I’ve watched from the beginning of Covid. And I also have been listening to Dr. McCullough from the beginning, and I hung on his every word. So I’m still in shock over his behavior. Don’t get me wrong, we owe him tremendous gratitude for his efforts to expose the harm of the Covid vaccines, so the contradiction between what he says and what he does is shocking to me.

I confronted Dr. McCullough on this issue, and he defended Dr. Drew instead of defending Dr. Drew’s elderly patients. (You can read my posts on previous articles on his Substacks.) So my post today is from my experiences from the beginning of Covid and listening to these 2 doctors from the beginning. Week after week I listened to Dr. Drew telling us to listen to Fauci. Many of his listeners decided to disregard his harmful advice that he continued giving throughout Covid, but we continued watching his weekly interviews because he had brilliant doctors and professionals on his show which we are grateful to him for. But instead of Dr. Drew incorporating that information, he continued promoting the Covid vaccines and Paxlovid, so why on earth would Dr. McCullough align with Dr. Drew when there are other doctors who represent what Dr. McCullough has advocated for, removing the vaccines? That’s a question for which I have no answers. I’m sorry that my post upset you. I understand your reaction. Bambi Forester

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I'm not shocked. Surprised the wellness company had a pro covid jab rep, yes.

Since you have hung on every word, as you say, then you KNOW how deeply McCullough has fought against the covid jabs. Literally one of the premier anti covid jab voices on the planet, at least in the English language.

Dr Drew is another matter. I notice he lets his sidekick free reign to speak as directly as can be spoken against the jabs, as much as CAN BE said on you tube. Dr Drew himself I am not impressed.

Many docs started one place and ended up another. Eg J Campbell, he used to jot his pen happily and excitedly at the latest jab uptake numbers in the UK "we're gettin there". That is long gone. His conversion is public record. Yet folk say we shouldn't listen to him. I should check back on Drew, is he still parroting OK for old folk? He shouldn't be part of TWC if that is the case.

Do you feel McCullough has joined the dark side? He got what, 40 million folk to never take another jab? What would you say? Something like? So that benefits the vampire squid cabal how exactly?

I always keep in mind the real audience these various folk have. Whereas that good and courageous M Yeadon spent his cred by going directly to talk of genocide, others like McCullough appear to stick only to believable and provable counter narrative points. Consider that whereas I think Yeadon called it right and early, he has far less influence and has 'converted' far less people, because to jump right to genocide is just a step too far for your typical normie, you actually drive them off and confirm them 'we' are all insane tinfoil nutters. McCullough is, my view, trying to thread a line where a normie might accept what he says. And it has worked.

I dunno. I keep bumping into people explaining how we have no leaders, all are corrupted, none can be trusted. Kirsch is working for the cabal. Dr Makis is on the dark side. McCullough is corrupted. You literally can't convert enough people to escape the pointing finger, its a pattern. Or at least none can be trusted who aren't promoting chemtrails, and, there never has been any virus of any type ever, etc etc, ie positions that drive away normies not convert them. And in fact I think something very weird and quite obvious is going on re chemtrails. And am intrigued by terrain theory. It just doesn't help, right now, when we need to convert normies or lose.

So are you saying Dr McCullough has joined the dark side? Should we all leave?

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Hi again Grant,

So first let me rephrase. I understand your surprise. For me, I was desperately searching for help for my vaccine injured grandson when I took Dr. McCullough’s advice to contact TWC. The last thing on earth that I would have expected from listening to Dr. McCullough from the beginning of Covid is a provider who supported the vaccines for the elderly and who supported Dr. Drew instead of Dr. Drew’s patients. So yes, I was shocked and devastated because I needed help for my grandson, and the last thing on earth that I wanted to do was financially support a company who supported the vaccines especially since I had already lost elderly friends to it as well as seeing elderly friends who are now permanently injured from it! How many elderly people are dead now from the Covid vaccines, but their deaths have conveniently been dismissed because they were elderly? That question should haunt us all. And after listening to Dr. McCullough continually state that these vaccines aren’t safe, and that they need to be removed from the market, but then he joins with vaccine giver Dr. Dew is mind blowing.

As far as Dr. Drew, despite his great guests, I had to stop listening to him in January. So who knows what he’s doing now. My heart breaks for his elderly patients and anyone else who listened to his medical advice because he was wrong about everything. And Grant, I listen to Dr. Campbell and anyone else who has come forth and admitted that they were wrong. I understand that people can change their minds and positions given new information, but that’s not what Dr. Drew did. He listened to doctors week after week telling him about the injuries and deaths from the vaccines, and he disregarded all of it in favor of Paxlovid and the vaccines. Furthermore, the other thing he did over the past 4 years was to continually dismiss the effectiveness of early treatment regardless of how many people came on his show with proof of the effectiveness of early treatment. How many of Dr. Drew’s patients are dead or suffering with health issues because he didn’t support early treatment and instead promoted the Covid vaccines?

Lastly, no I’m not saying that Dr. McCullough has joined “the dark side.” I just think we thought that he was someone that he’s not. It’s disappointing and confusing that he joined TWC and Dr. Drew, and I think conflicts of interest need to be confronted. But, this conflict doesn’t diminish the incredible amount of good that he has done. 😉

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The who is a corrupt organisation, time to ban any comment regarding the WHO’s nonsense. A bunch of negligent humans now in charge of this pathetic organisation. Can’t wait til trump cuts them off again. As in no more money from the USA. Too bad countries don’t have enough confidence in their own medical experts to make the call on any infectious disease that pops up. What is wrong with people. tedros the leader of this corrupt organisation has no medical background. NONE.

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

But he does have far more relevant qualifications for his post: being a die-hard communist with a long history of terrorism, and having a complete absence of anything remotely resembling a conscience.

A perfect fit for the despicable cabal.

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I KNOW folk are tired of hearing my blather, so yes my last post this thread. Do you feel McCullough was PROMOTING the WHO in the above article? If so I submit you misread the situation. McCullough and Leake have been clear we are being set up for disease X, a rerun of covid. The article above simply gives us the WHO's own words, early narrative talking points of the opposition, if you will. And he tells us to be aware, perhaps 'avian flu' is covid Mk 2? Thats what I read, it is consistent with the body of articles and direct quotes from recent interviews both McCullough and Leake have done.

The only time I ever heard McCullough say anything nice about the WHO is when they publish something negative about the jabs or the masking etc. Otherwise it is uniformly negative.

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

I'm confused by the credibility conferred upon the WHO and CDC in this message. Both organizations have proven to be malignant.

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Something is not right….did Dr. M sell out? Why on the world would he ever point to the WHO or CDC for ANY information???

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Someone is interfering

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I read the WHO section and it is what they are saying. Since they will be important in 'calling' the next pandemic we need to pay attention to how the 'narrative' is evolving? That is all I saw, or rather my instant interpretation based on what has been said this site concerning disease X and the next pandemic. Is the WHO positioning bird flu as 'X"? What are they saying?

It is clear from interviews if you watch regularily McCullough directly calls the CDC corrupt, and the WHO. Almost every interview. It is highly consistent. Are you misinterpreting this piece?

As for Tamiflu my impression also was it was useless. Dr McCullough should speak to why he says not. I never heard at any point it was other than a money suck which does no good.

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More fear mongering-----how many will fall for it?

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I do not trust the WHO. If they were an honest organization with the health of humans as their top priority they would be clamoring to shut down Gain of Function research. All of our latest pandemics since SARs 1 have been bioengineered viruses. Now the labs have created this new Avian flu. First it is used to decimate the chicken flocks, creating less food,( eat zee bugs), now they are making it infective in humans, Disease X, with a 50% mortality. You can also be sure they will have a Vaccine all ready, that doesn’t really work and has numerous deadly adverse effects. This is all part of the NWO plan of a drastically reduced and compliant population wholly dependant on the ruling world elites. Why else would they create these deadly viruses and vaccines?

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

Aren't they going to cull the pigs too?

I mean

1. get folk used to a million chickens here and some thousands of cattle there. Ho Hum another cull, then;

2 OMG its spreading from chickens and cattle to humans, kill all the livestock! While the odd gunfight breaks out in the texas panhandle (white extremists of course) city dwellers accept that we MUST cull them all,

3. Thank god they had a vaccine in the bag. Mandates without question (it may actually be pretty lethal, the pathogen they are sitting on while PCR testing cattle for actual avian flu)

And so on. Never heard pigs mentioned yet? Maybe they use pigs as a backdoor vector for whatever the mRNA used on pigs is leaving in their systems? I heard somewhere some years has been common. Maybe pigs cannot plausibly be 'avian flu' vectors?

Let us all remain alert. They told us 'X' will have 20x lethality from C19, and Gates said we wont be laughing at the next one. C19 shook down the actors and the systems of law and propaganda, and set up the non compliant to be scornful of disease X. Caution is indicated. Southsea islanders in contact with european whalers in say 1800 could definitely all die, pretty much. Despite ample fruit and massive vit D, there can absolutely be pathogens we cannot defeat and just simply kill us. Seed I dunno 10,000 cells worldwide it wont matter each cell burns out? Caution. Gargles and vit D might not cut it.

I know a repeat post pretty much. Its because I hear mostly scorn and derision about disease X, and I wonder how I would use that as a vampire squid cabal member?

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I’m at a loss. Is this from purposeful tampering/ McCullough’s recommendation is?

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According to Dr. Meryl Nass, there are exactly two known cases in the US. One was a man in Texas with conjunctivitis, another was someone who was “very tired” for 4 days. OMG! We certainly can’t have pinkeye and tired people running amuck. What will we do???? Ah yes, let’s vaccinate the poor chickens.

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Why not using chlorine dioxide? I used it when I had Omicron, three activated drops every hour, normally up to eight hours but I only took it five times per day for two days. I had two days of mild symptoms like tiredness, light headache and body aches. It started over the July 4th weekend on Friday evening and I didn’t get a prescription for Ivermectin until Tuesday when it was already over with.


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