Gain of Kill (GOK) or Gain of Lethality (GOL) - let us not allow them to deceptively use the "GOF" term to hide behind as that implies something of benefit when it clearly is the opposite and is something that is very dangerous to life on this planet.

There needs to be not only a ban in the U.S. on this but worldwide. Where is the international treaty for this. What good is the United Nations if it is not done at that level. This type of treaty banning the manipulation of pathogens for the increasing of lethality exactly falls into the mandate the UN was created for in the first place. All that is needed is any member nation to bring a treaty ban into the UN for this for all nations to sign onto.

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Sadly, the UN is not what it seems.

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The SCAMDEMIC, and the associated tangle of compromised-complicit-paid off agents, clearly showed the collusion and deceit that individuals and organizations are willing to invoke on trusting citizens. It was like a Mark Twain Liar’s Contest. Trust has been VAPORIZED.

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If we knew one tenth of what goes on in these labs we would never sleep again...not just GOF. We just learned that USAID was funding transgender surgeries on animals.

Furthermore, barely anyone even talks about what they are doing with late term abortions (murder). Are we so used to the reality of abortion that we don't care what they are doing to completely viable humans, extracting their organs while yet alive and selling them! (not that it's less a crime to mutilate and destroy unviable humans taken earlier.)

As well, do we think they haven't been mixing species and creating freakish creatures just to see what can be 'created'? Their disregard for God's miracle of life knows no bounds. Because of this they have attracted God'd wrath.

This is his promise to them if they do not stop this wickedness and show genuine regret: Revelation 11:18 says God will 'despoil those who are despoiling the earth'. If that isn't strong enough, the King James version says God will 'destroy those who are destroying the earth'.

May it come soon!

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A moratorium will not work. Make bioweapon terrorism illegal.

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We already had a ban on GOF, at least domestically in the US, and that ban was supposedly in effect prior to covid. That ban did not prevent such research to be funded by the US in other countries. If GOF research is not banned worldwide, and constantly policed, then it’s always subject to abuse.

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This technology is evil, and will likely continue to be pursued by pathological homo sapiens glorifying in controlling others.

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The lunatics feel they must win at all costs.

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Speaking as a psychologist, I truly believe that sociopathy, manipulation, control, and genocide are pathological.

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Here, chew on this. They are openly admitting to the "conspiracy (not theory)" of spraying the skies. In one of the paragraphs they talk about replacing the planes they used from 2009 to 2018. Surprise, surprise.


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Ending gain of function. Increasing spewing chemicals from the planes. Admitting in the paper they've been doing it since 2009 as they are replacing the planes with newer ones. If they don't get us one way, they'll get us another. D E P O P U L A T I O N. Makes it easier to get on the beaches you like without having to step over the riff raff.

Here. https://zerogeoengineering.com/2025/u-s-department-of-energy-grants-for-atmospheric-system-research/

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