My quick answer is YES. And a further explanation is that none of the responses we see from officials or government has anything to do with ‘biosecurity’. There is a goal here of control, whether control of your behavior, your food, your travel, your electricity usage, your speech, etc., etc. Keeping the peasants ‘safe’ is not the goal. Controlling the peasantry is.

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Eliminating the peasantry is the primary goal.

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Some of the peasantry. But not all of it. After all, we do need peasants to do the peasant jobs.

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THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your CONTINUAL calm and rational efforts to educate globally, Dr. McCullough!

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As always, I commend and appreciate your tireless work in getting out the truth, and educating the people with real scientific facts - as opposed to the fake 'science' spouted by corrupt doctors, politicians and mainstream news media.

I believe approximately 35-45% of population will fall for the bird flu 'pandemic' fear porn. The good news is that this would be way down from the 80% who fell for the covid propaganda. One bright side of the covid operation is that 2-3 billion additional people in the world now see the light and won't be fooled again (cue the Who band).

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I agree with your percentages. Those percentages are in accord with the gullible people who watch the mainstream media.

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Thank you, Dr. McCollough, for continuing to tell the world the truth about vaccines and “pandemics”. Your voice brings reason to the propaganda we are hearing in the MSM.

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If their solution for the bird pandemic is slaughtering the bird, we must assume they will use this plan for the next human pandemic. Why else would they be doing it? Think of how absurd it is to think killing a flock of birds will stop “transmission”.

Well it’s not absurd if they are trying to standardize culling as a “solution”.

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The globalists as you know have been stating for over one hundred years that the herd has to be culled and preferably by half to start.

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Dr. McCullough! I’m so thankful for your medical leadership for those of us that have done our own research to know who we should believe in. Your approach has kept me engaged for years! I’ve prayed for you. I will rally when you get rewarded by those that have doubted your advice for medical care! It will happen!

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"....those that forget the past are doomed, to repeat it..." " those of us, that forget the past are, doomed, to repeat the past...." "... those of us, blinded enough, to forget the past, are doomed to repeat, repeat, repeat.........."

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Yes, next question?

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All you have to do is look at how the US is divided when it comes to Biden vs Trump. People believe the lame stream media and Demonrat lies about Trump and his “threat to democracy” while still willing to support Biden’s presidency in spite of his obvious cognitive and physical decline, let alone his tyrannical policies. I live in a retirement home and the residents can’t wait for their next COVID booster. There are residents here who still believe in jab mandates and still believe the jabs are safe and effective.

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I had to laugh. You are right. People believe what they want.

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Thank you, most High God, for surrounding President Trump with your guardian angels. Keep him safe Lord. We know that the left will stop at nothing to prevent Trump from resuming his rightful place in the presidency. I pray for rapid and complete healing. I also pray for others who were located behind Trump that none of them were seriously injured. May the gunman or gunmen be apprehended without delay. May the TDS be called out for what it is. May the lies of the lame stream media and others be fully exposed. God have mercy on this country.

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True as always that I hear from this outstanding


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God bless you both, Dr. McCullough and Melinda Richards.

Follow the money and the Globalists' depopulation agenda...

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Dr. McCullough, you have said in a number of interviews that smallpox and polio vaccination programs were a failure. You correctly report that many people died because of contamination of the vaccines. Smallpox vax was contaminated with staph, strep, syphilis and tetanus and the polio vax was contaminated with polio. Can you please provide a reference demonstrating that the smallpox vax was not responsible for eradicating smallpox and that the polio vax did not nearly eradicate polio? I need this information for my pro vax mandate acquaintances. Thanks.

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What a superb champion. I wish Dr. McCullough would consider working in some powerful way with the DJT 2025 administration. The medical bureaucracy needs a frontal lobotomy.

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Big salaries and job security is mainly what the medical bureaucracy craves. Their comfort level is more important to many of these types .

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