Ummm.... False flag to stoke the war profits are one thing. How about a false flag in an attempt to interfere with or cancel OUR own elections?!

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Exactly what I was thinking. They used Covid in 2020 so they won't try that again.

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Perhaps the deep state will promote multiple disasters to cancel elections. Combine a US war with another pandemic plus weather disasters and it might be enough excuses to cancel elections in the fall.

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Certainly a possibility. We are dealing with truly evil people who will stop at nothing to get what they want.

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All the false flags so far haven't worked, such as the pipeline and the recent killing of civilians, including children, at the beach. Provocations haven't worked to get the full-blown reaction the neocons want, like threats of Ukraine joining NATO, which is against NATO rules of joining while at war. Seems to me Putin has been very restrained in his responses, such as ships at Cuba. And one has to wonder why Germany, whose economy was badly harmed by the pipeline destruction remains silent.

So as some commenters have indicated, I expect a terrorist attack in the USA that will be blamed on Russia, though I suspect it will be from the terrorists Biden is flying here, paying to live here, and giving medical care here at the expense of this country if he can't get WWIII going, which has been the diection of his policy. Possibly started with CIA or FBI instigation. Perhaps both attack and war. So I would not be surprised if Biden attempts to cancel or delay elections to "save democracy" like Zelensky did.

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War is always a distraction from the real agenda. It does not matter the era conflicts are used as cover. To some, this fact drives them crazy; their patriotic brains cannot fathom how kings and now governments use their patriotism as a tool to support war. False flags are then easy to use. Religion is another time-honored tool to start conflicts and induce the populace to fight wars elites start. The average person who is drafted or volunteers for military service has zero to gain and everything to lose. The war starters, the politicians, and the industrial elites have everything to gain.

Currently, the US Neocons are running the State Department and influencing the Administration. Meanwhile, the Treasury Department is scrambling to keep China from selling US debt and buying more coming up that is rolling over. Billions need to be raised. Who will buy it threatened with war? Additionally, other past buyers of US debt are watching what the US is doing to Russia through sanctions. Why would they have cash in the US when the US can take it?

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Nuland, Graham and McCain may be neo-cons, but Blinken is such a key piece of the well-oiled machinery to flip on the active wars since 2021, that party lines matter less than all who are actively enabling these most costly distractions.

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Yeah Neocons support whomever supports war. Party affiliations does not matter.

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Phil, you’ll love my article on history and religion and how that ties into war: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/if-theyve-lied-about-the-news-why

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Already have...East Palestine, OH, Lahaina, HI, Paradise, CA, etc.

They happen here all the time.

Food Industry now targeted across the whole North American Continent

and Enemy Industry from China and Brazil NOW MONOPOLIZING all Meat Processinng


OVER THE U.S. before the U.S. Revolution.


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Vote for Trump!!!

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Sure...🤦 Dems and Rep....wings of the same bird. Astonishing more people can't figure that out.

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We call it the UniParty in Australia, both sides of the Aisle have been purchased by the Amerikan Deep State, years ago. Although perhaps The Greens were bought by the NAZIs... 🤔

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Did. Twice.

Will again.


Trump choosing the SAME ESTABLISHMENT PUKES as before; the treasonous loyal to the Demonic U.N. Nazi Uniparty hiding the ancient Venetian Black Nobility and all their International Mob Minions the U.S. sold-out to be the Enforcer for.

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yep, and he will go the rescue of his benefactors and best allies - first thing, just like the moving the us embassy to jerusalem - first item on the agenda.

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The US has tremendous experience in false flags. The best known is 9/11, where the most up-to-date research is available from scholars and other investigators: ic911.org

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and OKC, and Gulf of Tonkin, and JFK, and Pearl Harbor.

Interesting how the "conspiracy theorists" always prove to be accurate, and the MOP always proves to be liars.

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We know the Screwtape clan is planning yet another tragedy upon innocents to push their agenda of massive war against Russia. We all lose. But Biden don’t care because it will distract from his immoral, anti-humanist protection racket.

Would not be surprised if his FBI and Fauci conspire for a homeland Terrorist attack with more biological weapons of death.

* Tge war against Assad never made sense to me. Too much evidence pointed away from his hand.

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Not if, but when!!!

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Russia is a favorite to blame. The USA tyrants appear to need "enemies" so while we collaborate with China and Russia, officially and in the press, China and Russia play the role of "bad guys".

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I agree with you, Doc, we’ve been talking about this on veterans websites for at least a year and a half but as we get closer to the election, they have to make something happen. I think what they’re really gonna make happen is President Biden is going to step down and Michelle Obama is going to step up, but a false or partially false flag with Putin is definitely on our radar too.

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I agree with your concept. Between now and 11/5/24, things are gonna get hinky. Really hinky!

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John, I fear you may be correct!. Terrorists (US) are relentless in pursuit of war profits.

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I remember listening to Glenn Beck at he time. He was speaking with a missionary he supported there. Glenn was quite taken aback when the missionary said he believed this was a false flag not done by Assad.

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Your True Crime background gives you great instincts, John. Thanks!

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US is a terrorist state! And all the wars US have waged on have been false flag and sold to the masses in the name of "democracy"

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There's no telling how many times it's already occurred in our past wars. I put nothing past them. They're pathological.

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According to a 2020 article i dug into - currently the us is missing 6 nuclear weapons.

The longest missing nuclear weapon hasn't been seen in 71 years.


This is also a common occurrence in russia as well with a high toll of 100 nuclear weapons missing currently as reported in a 2021 article.


And on top of both of these problems ole NORAD seems to have a historical tradition of sending off false alarms about russia sending over nuclear rockets in the middle of the night due to “glitches”

Those stories can be read here as well as access to internal documents regarding the protocol for how these warnings inner workings were achieved from the 40s to the 70s.

Scroll to the bottom for a laundry list of norad false alarms in pdf


Russia also has a building housing diplomats and intelligence employees on a high point directly in New York City in this 2022 article


Also its interesting this article even went on to say that the poseidon missle could even travel hidden under the protection of an ice cap..been alot of talk about ice caps lately if my memory serves me correctly

This article unfortunately ends with the author for navynews saying

“Poseidon’s day will come”


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The clown show called "the biden administration" would be just stupid enough to try to pull off something and blame it on Putin, for whatever reason, probably to justify the continued attacks by the U.S. on Russian civilian targets, and maybe to ratchet up the rhetoric on the MOP, and perhaps gain an up-tick in military enlistment. Since those of us with a degree of sense know to be looking for a false flag, we won't fall for it, but we have an ample supply of unsophisticated and blind people who probably would. However, I doubt they'll ever accomplish anything that would spur many of today's 18 to 20-somethings to volunteer for the U.S. military. This ain't 2001.

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Volunteers will come from illegal immigrants.

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That would be a great thing if the U.S. Government was actually goony enough to engage in an sho-nuf shooting ground war with Russia. The criminal alien "troops" would all be slaughtered. Problem solved!

I do not mean to be disagreeable Mr. Miller, but I can't imagine the regime and deep state would want to get our replacements killed.

Hmmm, after further consideration, you're probably right. After all, the regime would probably have the attitude that "there's plenty more where they came from".

The vermin in D.C. don't seem to have any qualms whatever about murdering people.

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If anyone's wondering why John's post is relevant to the medical tyranny of the last few years, it's the same head on both snakes.

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