Bill Gates was appointed to the Board of the WHO after he donated over a billion dollars to them. He did this to force the world to take his deadly vaccines and therefore enrich himself even further. Bill Gates should never have been appointed to the Board of the WHO given this conflict of interest.

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Bill Gates should never have been given any public authority!

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Thank you, Dr. McCollough, for your strong words condemning the WHO for misleading the world on treatments and severity of pandemics. I’m hoping the US pulls out of the organization. That Bill Gates is a big funder of the WHO should warn us all.

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Following WHO directives is akin to following WEF directives. So, if you’re amenable to eating bugs and drinking maggot milk, then WHO directives are for you!! It’s all part of the same globalist alliance to ensure that their control plan for the serfs (ie, peasants) is successful.

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For those who think bugs are cheap, amazon sells crickets for $40 a pound and up, tarantulas are more. Personally I will take a fillet mignon instead at those prices.

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Thank you so very much for this strong clear stance on all the corruption, bad medicine, absurdity, and fear mongering.

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Disgusting Evil Psychopaths is all that can be said for the WHO. Thank you for your Courage Dr. McCullough!

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This is not about health, it is about depopulation, death, and destruction of independent governance. All such Global illegal entities and treaties (WHO, WEF, UN, NATO, etc) should be repudiated and exited by the USA. WE are not interested in having unelected non-representative globalist organizations overturn our US Constitution and our independent right of self governance, whether on health, or any other matter. These are mechanisms of control.

Dr McCullough, I hope you have the opportunity to meet with President Trump and discuss these issues with him and his team.

May God Bless you all.

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WE may not have any say. For those not yet aware, our next POTUS has been SELECTED without a single citizen vote, is not Constitutionally eligible to the position, and WILL BE the dictator the left has "warned" you Trump intended to be! This harridan is of your failure to stand up and CHOOSE a qualified person! Enjoy!

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As a general rule,the more bloated the bureaucracy, the less effective it is at delivering the intended job results. (See also US gov't, UN, etc)

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W.H.O simply a U.S. Taxpayer Moneylaundering Organization...



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Thank you gentlemen and a very interesting thought-provoking episode. There's a saying that keeps coming to mind every time I hear the FBI or secret service or political bigwigs mention the assassination attempt:

Like a dead macro by moonlight, It stinks and it shines and it shines and it stinks!

They are lying and obsfucating Every step of the way.

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The point rather is….they followed the script as written by Political Scientists…who are not medical and not faithful or ethical “ scientists”..so in the WHO they succeeded and will do the same again and again. Medicine has been so corrupted they bowed to these schemes and that is where faults lie….medicine to even the licensing and speciality Boards are corrupted. They should have called out the WHO for incompetence and political corruption but they said little but they did hammer some MDs/ DOs who spoke out as they had been ordered by politicians who controlled funding grants. I blame the combined influence of medieval politics and the Media and likely the FBI/CIA/NSA in turning good people bad…I will long gone from this Earth before medical credibility and ethics at the Board level ever returns…sad but true.

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The Globalist assault on Health Freedom as a cause and our sovereignty as a basic human right over our own health is highlighted as courageous individuals and leaders meet to work to dismantle a suspicious organization with little real credibility, the World Health Organization.

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Just when you thought it was ‘all over’ enter the EU vaccination card: https://www.vaccinestoday.eu/stories/european-vaccination-card-will-be-piloted-in-five-countries/

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Going to heaven for sure🙏🏼❤️😊

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