No one should believe anything that known unprincipled, miscreant and malcontent says.

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Too little too late .

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Great handle you got there, Brandon.

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Thanks Princess. 🤗

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Twatter has changed? News to me! At least, they haven't notified me my account be unsuspended for "advocating suicide" by suggesting ivermectin have legitimate human use.

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I called Cardi B a whore because her behavior at a certain awards show was whorish. I got kicked off for life. Fuck X and fuck FB

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Yet prostitution and human trafficking are all over FB- go figure 🤷‍♀️

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I like the way you roll.... Short and sweet and too the point

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Did they stoop that low? Oh wait, of course they did. Who could turn down pharma money in exchange for contributing to mass murder?

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Absolutely shocked me they did that. I attended a seminar at ICIA Pharmaceuticals (American branch of ICI Pharmaceuticals, now AstraZeneca) on (Drumroll!) human use of ivermectin back about 1987 or 1988. What did new management change it? They still blow off my appeal. My post was about onchocerciasis (river blindness); not covid.

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Well bully for Zuckerberg...

What about the ginormous damage that has been done by censorship for years, e.g. the suppression of dissent over the global Covid fiasco?

How to quantify the damage the likes of Facebook has done by shutting down discussion?

I know my work has been been censored by Facebook.

And here's an example: You can't vaccinate against respiratory diseases claim is baseless: https://www.aap.com.au/factcheck/you-cant-vaccinate-against-respiratory-diseases-claim-is-baseless/

Well it isn't baseless! But Facebook conspired to hinder open discussion on this matter.

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Have a look at that 'FactCheck' mentioned above, it's from September 2022...

One of the so-called 'experts', Nathan Bartlett, says: “Influenza and COVID vaccines injected into the arm have saved millions of lives by protecting against an otherwise fatal respiratory disease.”

What's the evidence for that statement? Bartlett hyperlinks to a highly questionable 'modelling' study out of the notorious Imperial College London: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(22)00320-6/fulltext

Meanwhile, in an article published in January 2023, Anthony Fauci and colleagues say: "As of 2022, after more than 60 years of experience with influenza vaccines, very little improvement in vaccine prevention of infection has been noted. As pointed out decades ago, and still true today, the rates of effectiveness of our best approved influenza vaccines would be inadequate for licensure for most other vaccine-preventable diseases."

In other words, it looks like enormous fraud has been committed in foisting these medical interventions upon the public.

See my email to Fauci and co: The biggest crime in history...the influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine scam, 27 April 2023: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/the-biggest-crime-in-history.the-influenza-and-sars-cov-2-vaccine-scam.pdf

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He was all in in 2020 to defeat DonaldTrump.

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2021 was a good year. Twitter banned me for calling out the psyop and bio-weapons, ditto LinkedIn and I dumped two substantially populated accounts on Fakebook for their disgusting attempts too ban any who challenged the narratives.

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I quit FB n all social media at the start of the fake pandemic, before the jab roll-out. I gave a thumbs up to a live conversation Dave Oneegs in Queensland had on the streets. The next time I signed in, they told me I liked something they deemed "misinformation" and tried to direct me to the CDC and WHO websites. Never went back. Screw FB, Zuckerberg, and all of the criminal jab pushers.

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hilarious, who would believe Suckerberg at this point? It’ll be free speech like on X where you get censored, shadow-banned, banned, restricted and you account may get closed because of posting facts and truth.

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F FB and LinkedIn and all that BS... Shareholders hang your heads in shame

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Sorry; it’s not good enough for me. I left Facebook permanently, after Zuckerberg donated money to Democratic cities, including Atlanta, Georgia, IF his people could run the 2020 elections! (See Molly Hemingway’s “Rigged” for documentation.)

He’s just blowing in the wind, and even an apology wouldn’t convince me.

He must be very concerned about the loss of monetary value of my closing my Facebook account, LOL!

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Wish more would!!

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More like Suckerface is scared of the lawsuit Children's Health Defense put before the Supreme Court for de-platforming those that were using their voice. He is merely acting as the chameleon that he is.

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Here he comes, " Motherzucker" Mark Levin"s name for him.

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Mark Levin is a Rino...a Zionist.

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Huh? He always takes the right side when I listen to his broadcast. Few are as right sided as he is.

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Sure, but at least he was right about Motherzucker.

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What's wrong with supporting Israel? And I've listened to Levin. Hardly a Rino.

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Apropos to which; The zionist israeli Genocide of Gaza procedes unhindered, 40,000 plus butchered civilians, but Biden & pals have just censured SUDAN for Genocide! Ahahahaha 🥰🤣🥰 pot, call the kettle the N word...

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"What's wrong with supporting Israel?"

Israel is Zionist. That's what is wrong. Zionism is expansionist and genocidal.

What is right with supporting Israel?

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This guy blows with the wind...

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True. But he's a friend of the left, and an enemy of freedom, at heart. He didn't have to contribute hundreds of millions (look it up) to Biden and Democrats in 2020, but he did. He took particular interest in Wisconsin and made sure it flipped from Trump in 2016 to Biden.

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So when does he go on trial for collusion/ racketeering with government forces?

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Why is anyone trusting this little weasel after forcing the sitting president off Facebook. Something stinks. I wouldn’t touch fakebook for all the damage he caused

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And now we're going to believe him? Now that he's openly admitted censoring the FACTS, directly LYING, etc...now we're going to believe him? hahahh Puhleeze. Don't be as dumb as "they" think we are...

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Nice to see the ministry of truth closing up shop.

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We shall see.

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Baloney. He is losing business to X. He loves the power censorship gave him. Once they had a taste of that power they don’t voluntarily give it up. He knows the winds are blowing in a different direction.

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