Yes, you nailed it. RFK Jr in his book The Wuhan cover up has drawn a very compelling picture that the CIA and other Intelligence agencies are outside of any meaningful control by congress or the White House. This is the real crime that needs to be exposed

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And rectified.

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Thank you for saying something positive about RFK Jr and his research. So many people are critical of him, most notably R Reich.

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Reich is an old and aging political hack of the Clinton era.

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I didn't realize that. But, so many people responded to a negative article he wrote about RFK Jr. And they all agreed with him. smh

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Those are called "sock puppets". Establishment goons like Reich have the job of putting people to sleep and protecting the biggest of the gravy trains from profit loss. In that sense, only, is Reich an "economist".

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Brilliantly analyzed Gralin, thank you.

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Of course they are critical of him , because he takes away from the two fake candidates running. His VP choice is whom they should be critical.

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Appreciate RFK Jr. research in this area. Past messages easily found Online are that which has removed him as a viable option as Presidential Candidate though many actually like him.

He's painted himself as radical as the Progressives regulating The Constitution of the United States into PROGRESSIVE NULLIFICATION. This group is actually REGRESSIVE towards a return to Imperialist Feudal-Fascism as opposed to The Constitutional Republic establishing 'Free and Fair Elections' as the ONLY Democracy once practiced; the only PEACEFUL REVOLUTION POSSIBLE. The regulated 'Medical Emergency Declaration' made by the HHS already NULLIFIED THE CONSTITUTION.

Fraudulent/Cheat Elections are now the norm and this alone defines 'DEMOCRACY TO ALREADY BE DEAD'. A Progressive is actually advocating the U.S. return to Totalitarianism as before the U.S. Revolution opposing the King/Peers/Banker/Corporate (The Venetian Black Nobility hiding behind the British Military) OWNED/MANAGED everything which is now defined Dictator/Establishment/Banker/Corporate OWNED/MANAGED everything.

This current threat to our Constitution, Nation, People eliminates anybody supporting such regression into the deadly SLAVE/MASTER Past the U.S. already did away with as inappropriate.

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Mass murder is a felony…isn’t it?

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As is genocide. Unless it's coordinated by the people who would prosecute it.

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It depends. Did Trump use a metaphor, but was talking about economics? Then, yes. Did Biden actually do it? Then, no.

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Vision a little blurry from your lower intestines?

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Murder, being the most heinous crime one can commit, is in a class by itself. That is why there is no statute of limitations on the investigation, arrest, or prosecution. For prosecution of a mass murder it would be individual counts of murder…one for each of the deceased. For genocide…I would hope that the military would intervene.

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Intervene? The U.S. military (DOD / DARPA) developed and orchestrated this whole thing.

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Yes they did develop and orchestrate the “medical counter measure” aka clot shot.

However it was NIH that was behind the development of the contagious virus thru gain of function tinkering.

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Not sure about that. I believe far more Pentagon money (about $28 million IIRC) went to the Wuhan Lab than what "Sad Little Man" (see the Five Times August video) Phony Phauci sent.

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Zuckerberg: "WH put pressure on us to censor the lab leak theory"

Did they also pressure him to use tons of money to skew the elections in favor of the Democrats?

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How can moderate Dems not see that their choices are now fundamentally anti-free speech and pro coercion.

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because you assumed that they use facts and reality. They use neither. They only crave power and will do tactically whatever it takes to retain power. Lying and killing is not beyond them.

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So insightful and well said, thanks!

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Talk to them. They are so fearful and anxiety ridden they believe anything but the truth.

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Because they justify those measures as 'protective' and socially responsible. They believed the 'vaccines' were essential for everyone to take, and a narrative against was hurting many innocent people, and the dissenters were throwing a spanner in the works for everyone else. They believed coercion was like the good discipline of a parent toward a child. Here is the problem, a parent does not have a right to discipline their child once they become an adult. It is a boundary violation. Also, they were and are brainwashed on the true efficacy and harms of all vaccines. Here is where they were unethical, they didn't research the possibility that the dissenters had a point, their self-righteousness was arrogant and based on flawed information. The democrats would have had a different tack if the media told the truth. So, this is all a result of mind manipulation, and those pulling the strings must, must, must be held accountable. Is it legal to pressure a social media company to deny a narrative? Can we blame Zuckerburg for complying? I guess he had the money to find out if he had to comply or not. We have to keep talking about this and continue gathering facts, and finding the key players who were responsible for the deaths of so many. This will never be swept under the carpet. I think a huge sea change would occur, if the mechanisms of how the shots can and will cause cancer in many go mainstream. Most people will realize they are sitting on a time bomb (unless their shots were neutral to begin with), and that kind of understanding will hit hard, and will motivate the public to take action. Currently, people are in denial until they themselves get cancer or heart damage.

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Dear Rita Skeeter,

Please be advised that Facebook, X-Twitter, et al., are #UnitedStatesGovernment. #WeThePeople are paying to be censored and to be subjugated. You gave me an idea too. Background = I am an activist with a history of personal protests. What if, What if, #PersonalProtests encompassed online protests.? How does one do an Bonafide online protest not meaning video of an existing or past #PersonalProtest.? Maybe that is an area that could be developed. #GreatWords.!


--> #Rick

USAF Veteran, MBA (Aviation)

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I don't subscribe to Facebook, X or Instagram. I don't know how you would instigate an online protest. I had the idea (I cannot do it myself) of an online Debate platform, called maybe 'Debate Nation.' You pay maybe $50 a year for access to Oxford style debates, no bad language and respect for time, and no interrupting. It would be so entertaining; I think over time it would attract a large online viewership, which would have the effect of educating people and break the dogmatic mindset crippling most minds. Since mainstream media is suppressing facts, this would be another avenue to get eyeballs onto other points of view with the opportunity to hear the opposite argued, they could at least have information choice, rather than the only source easily available now which is propaganda.

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#ThankYou for your reply. Yours is an excellent idea. It could be a website. Maybe written debates to start at a lower price/mo/yr, and graduate to videoed debates, virtually in each debaters' own location with a mediator, I presume. I do not know about the formal debate process, bit I will learn as necessary. Virtually will just take a little coordination, but is easily done, I think. For reference, for the last airshow that I did on active duty, I was responsible for the entire ground logistics operations, arrivals/show/departures for 107,000 visitors over two days. #PortaPottiesToPeople, Jets, #ParkingPlan for 50 aircraft, static and performing. We called arrival day #HellDay.

I am ahead of myself.

I am open to discuss your #GreatIdea further.

Please share your goals if you d/n mind.

Please say how you visualize your idea.

I can and I will help you.

I intend to start a #NonProfit called #InformationLogistics now that I missed the deadline to register as a U.S. Congressional candidate this year.

2026 = #OnTheTable.

Everything I do moving forward until then is work toward my dream = 100%

If you wish, please contact me @FreedomWarrior14@protonmail.com.

I am also on Gab Social @FreedomWarrior14 in a private account.

I you are on Gab, please #FollowRequest my account.


--> Rick

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It dawned on me mid-2020, it’s because these people do not have a moral compass or ethical standards. They are driven by emotions and egos, and believe in concepts like relative truth, and this is bolstered by their sense of self-righteousness. You cannot get logical consistency from them because they do not believe in objective reasoning.

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"Business as usual" is not seen as "corruption", but just how things really work before the PR spin...


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So true

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Can you say that it was only the Biden WH that censored the lab leak theory? In my opinion it was also the Trump WH that censored the lab leak theory. I felt censored at the time by the Trump administration.

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Well stated, the right always always pretends trumpf was innocent…they NEVER remember “Operation Warp Speed” and a man who lacked the courage to sack Fauci when he had the chance. Get over it folks, the two parties are both complicit and corrupt.

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Agree. It was Trump who signed the emergency declaration in all 50 states simultaneously that put FEMA in charge of the pandemic response, and set in motion Operation Warp Speed, the EUAs, mandates, lock downs, etc.

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His bump stock violatednthe 2nd as well, which is a joke. I challrnge anyone to get ine to work for more than 10 rounds without jamming. They had to use the psyop cia killoff at the Rt 91 Vegas concert to violate another constitutional right. Isn't it odd the guy in charge of that investigation didn't succeed in any result? Also wound up in Maui for the burn out and theft of children?

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I think it is simple to bamboozle any President on the efficacy of a supposed 'vaccine,' unless the President understands immunology.

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This is so very sad and evil in some many ways. Mass murder and sickening of millions of our citizens, and more non-Americans, so that Obama and his team could elect Biden. I guess there is some rough justice: no doubt many of the dead, dying, and sick were, and are, fanatical devotees' of the injections, and Democrat Party policies more generally. So, Obama and the "D's" are killing off their own supporters. And all the perpetrators in this administration, the CDC, FDA, NIH, the CIA, the pharmaceutical companies, the tech companies, the media and medical boards across the country have made billions of dollars and are walking free as birds. They will receive their justice from the Creator eventually. But that does not help those killed or injured in the hear and now, nor the millions in the future who will suffer from these evil, greedy demons.

Danny Huckabee

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Never forget the WHO, WEF, U.N., So-called NGO’s. Played a massive part. They all need to be de-clawed and put down.

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And Peter Daszak and his phony bull shit, Eco Health Alliance “non profit my ass"

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Yes, especially him. I see he is sweating before a House Committee. Eco Health is STILL operating and getting grant money from NIH!!!! Also corrupted. 😡😡

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Yes and you will never ever hear even a whisper in the mainstream “media” if they can be called media, or are they really just puppets of their masters like both our so called political sham parties?

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Pharma ads support the media outlets, and people like Gates, so the media is following the Pied Piper.

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News media are paid propagandists.

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...continue to play.....

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Those who think that material wealth is all there is to real living will have their rewards in karma and justice will be served as she always has been in the end.

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Don't forget those with mild covid who went to hospital out of fear, and never came home, ended up in a body bag, pumped with Remdesivir.

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The massive question I have been left with, and I cannot find a good hypothesis, for the 15% of us (give it take a few %) that are difficult, stubborn, non-compliant, defiant, and not readily manipulated… what do they have in store for us? Why are we the ones they’d “want”(?) left behind? As you pointed out, they are killing off the supporters. I don’t think the unjabbed amongst us are terribly inclined to believe anyone or ever just do what we’re told.

Are they just leaving the most sporting competition for last?

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They do not want the weak they want the strong surfs that will be the worker bees.

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The MSM is the lapdog Propaganda arm of the Federal Government. Unreadable rubbish is what they spew.

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China > OBiden > Xiuckerberg

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Very succinct summation. Many of “We the People” knew this from the get go!

I am not confident the majority of SCOTUS justices understand all the moving parts of the agencies and international personalities that are interconnected in this Covid 19 chapter we have been thrown into for the last almost 4 year and 4 month period. They certainly neglected to rule appropriately with the Todd Callender, Esq and Mike Lindell and Kari Lake et al’s legal documents submitted. These are vastly different cases but were imperative to be acted on.

Whether a lab leak, a deliberative release, or a made up narrative from the beginning, it really doesn’t matter to me. It was always about the delivery of a bioweapon masquerading a vaccine and people within the USDOD and Pharma, the global bankers, and intelligence agencies and so-called leaders of state were all involved.

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Nuremburg 2.0 - 100% required.

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Bio-fascism is an appropriate term and a book title as well.

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To think that these billionaires like Zuckerberg, Google and Amazon were forced to do this is ridiculous, they are avowedly globalists and part of the establishment, they do not want the good of the population, they need to be held responsible for everything.

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Zuckerborg talking about being dishonest! 🤣🤣

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Misplaced trust has grave consequences.

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The Zoonotic Jump narrative was a critical piece of the COVID narrative from the outset. The perpetrators would never have turned the spotlight on themselves right out of the gate. That could have caused a chain reaction that was both unpredictable and highly undesirable. So they had to lie from Day One. And once you lie once, as all children learn, that lie begets other lies, and if unchecked you have built yourself and edifice of untruth. And now, having lied so many times about the COVID origin, an about face just won’t fly, won’t do, at the individual or institutional level.

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"Are they merely the instruments of the Military-Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex?" That's the only answer I can find with sufficient explanatory power. The world is far darker than the media portrays.

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The world is darker than we can imagine. To understand good, we have to study evil, in ourselves first, so as not to fall into the delusion that 'it is all out there, or the other is the bad guy.' We are born into it, and then project the implanted neuroses onto others for relief, all this goes on unconsciously. If we were conscious, we wouldn't do it.

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Yes, the wet market location came in handy. But, there are emails from one of the scientists to Fauci explaining the sequence of the spike is not natural, and Fauci shut him up pronto.

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Why cover it up? Because they'd be financially responsible? Because early discovery of intent might lesson their ability to carry out the rest of a "diabolical plan"?

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Texts between Facebook executives characterize Biden admin as "highly cynical and dishonest"

Now there's a shock. The most corrupt, criminal, treasonous administration in this nation's history is also "highly cynical and dishonest." Color me surprised.

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