This treatment of animals is criminal.

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It's criminal treatment of all living... 😰

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Hell on earth for these poor creatures.

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i'm assuming this is all part of the plan to get rid of farming and domesticated animals tho.

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You know the world is completely fucked up when they’re force-jabbing the ducks. DUCK LIVES MATTER! Leave the ducks alone

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Watch out! The Satanists are planning to vaccinated our dogs and cats! 😡

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they cannot rest unless they are destroying. indeed this is what satan does--his attempt at revenge against God and Christ and those who believe in him.

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ALREADY BEEN HAPPENING for a long time already proven by dark field microscopes

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Virology is not all it’s quaked up to be. Insanity. Obviously.

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Satanists doing whatever they can to screw with nature.

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Past time to start culling public health officials...

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Vote them out / vote out the fascist dolts who appointed them. I would really encourage anyone reading this to find (or found) your state's medical freedom organization(s). It seems most states have them now. One of the many crucial things they can do for citizens is to simply provide a vetted list of candidates for public office. That is, note who is running for office who has vowed to protect medical freedom. Those candidates who will not stand for medical freedom, let's know who they are, too.

In recent elections I have voted straight ticket medical freedom. If the candidate doesn't stand for medical freedom, I don't vote for them. Period. Yes, there are other important political issues, but they don't matter arguing about if we don't first have our own bodily integrity and free speech.

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VOTING IN RIGGED ELECTIONS WILL DO WHAT , everyone thinks they just voted and brought in some kind of saviors. BS thery are all controlled opposition and ZIONIST AGENDA swamp monsters , they will continue the same criminality. FRANCE ALREADY NOW MANDATING JABS FOR BIRD FLU THAT DOES NOT EXIST and killing animals everywhere to starve humanity into submission.

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Yeah, I would have to agree. If they’re not speaking out against this, then they’re giving their consent.

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Covid has shown they believe themselves to be immune to retaliation. This is the fruit of the anointing of the expert progressive class...follow the science.

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every french farm with 250 ducks needs to send a few of them into hiding until the madness passes. the french are very particular about their food. i can't imagine that this will go forward without massive protests. remember when Jose Bove drove his truck through the plate glass at a macdonalds that had opened in his village? he became a folk hero and eventually ran for political office.

sadly the rebellious french people have been stepped on by their Globalist idiot president Macron. this will cripple their exports and won't do a damn thing to prevent the spread of "bird flu." if anything it will make it worse.

here's a comment i left on another stack which seems to apply nicely here:

i spent time on a farm some years ago. the couple had traded their comfortable city life for farming. the wife loved animals and could tell every one of their 1000 bird flock of laying hens apart. one day she came to her husband with some alarming news. "Doris is wheezing! it's like she has asthma!!" by the day's end Doris had died and other chickens were wheezing. they called the vet who advised them to cull their entire flock, by all new chickens and then he would come out and vaccinate them for Newcastle virus. after the vet left, they talked about it. "what do chickens do in the wild when they don't have vets and vaccinations?" they decided to let the epidemic play out, painful though it was to watch. 1/3 of their chickens wheezed themselves to death. another third were clearly sick, wheezing and coughing, but they pulled through. the last third never showed any signs of the illness. maybe they were "asymptomatic carriers?" who knows and who cares? the fact is, instead of culling their entire flock, buying new chickens and vaccinating them all, they got to keep 2/3 of their flock and, aside from that one veterinary consultation, they never had another vet visit for their chickens and never had any problems with Newcastle virus. all their chickens are descendants from chickens who either survived the virus and passed on acquired immunity to their chicks OR chickens who passed on their innate immunity to their offspring. when human chicken keepers get Newcastle virus, it's expressed as a mild case of pink eye and is thought to convey some resistance to cancer; in fact, MSKCC was researching it a while back. i'm sure those studies went no where. when you work with nature, things go well. when you try to beat nature, you cause massive problems. there are millions of viruses out there. most of them will never bother us UNLESS mad scientists gin them up. this is a genie that HAS to go back into the bottle!

the husband in my story discovered he had a gift for cheese making. he became an award winning cheese maker, supplying the better restaurants in the athens, georgia area. we were there taking an intensive cheese making seminar. i had read the farmer's delightful book, The Accidental Farmers, in which he tells this story of how they dealt with a first year crisis as novice farmers.

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Carolyn-your story needs to be front page news all over the world.

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the book is on amazon. it's delightful and is what led to our trip to the farm for the cheese making class. before we could make the cheese, we had to milk the cows! i confess, i wasn't very good at that part.

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Unfortunately in reality I have seen many French citizens scarfing down frozen fish fingers and McDonald's and all sorts of industrially processed crap. Yes, the cheese section is amazing in your average French grocery store, but the aisles offer a lot of OMG-read-the-label junk, too. Plus, as we all know, many French people didn't mind taking the who-knows-whats-in-em injections because, well because everybody else did and that's what they were told to do and if you didn't, you had to be some right-wing kook barred from public life.

Will the French push back on this idiocy now with this bird flu? I pray.

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that makes me sad. last time i was in france for work, even a yoplait yogurt from a corner deli, which is crap in the US, was wonderful in france. i think there were lots of anti-covid restriction protests in france during the pandemic but you'd never know by reading the US press.

i sure hope the election outcome gives european countries the courage to kick out their globalist rulers and break up the EU.

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Love this comment. Thank you.

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Sheer lunacy and greed beyond greed.. Centuries of ducks on this planet, now they need mRNA vaccine bioweapons to protect them BS, what they are doing is polluting every food source and making and ton of money while they do it.. They do not care where the jabs goes, as long as they do damage and get paid at the same time.. So again the same playbook.. Cause the problem, then have the solution ready to go.. More and more uses for their bioweapon.. The French bureaucrats who authorized this are paid off and or part of the EVIL empire, and hold their allegiance to that group, not to France..

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How to stop these homicidal forces?

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Demand governmental investigations, law suits, refusal to buy vaccinated poultry and other meats.

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Def. doing the latter, don’t I ow how to effectively do the former.

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There is ONLY one way there has always only been one way dont be afraid to say it.

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These are supposed to be smart people. Now I only think of them as evil. This madness must be stopped.

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The question I have not seen answered yet is can chicken/duck/beef be edible if an H5N1 infection occurs and is resolved by the creatures own immune system? I assume the answer is yes but I am hoping someone with experience can answer the question.

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For me, a more relevant question is, do you want that mRNA jab with the lipid nanoparticles and whatnot going into your GI tract?

On a practical level, I figure anyone who eats meat, especially sausages, in their lifetime they will have unknowingly ingested some super funky things (sick animals, even tumors) without realizing it. That's why we have an immune system. Vegetarians will beg to differ, and I say, let them, I'm not vegetarian but I'm all for free speech.

If the animal had the illness and then recovered, well, all I can say is, what animal hasn't recovered from something? That's not something I particularly worry about.

Junk science big-profit gene jabs with lipid nanoparticles and high-level psy-ops to back up the marketing / mandates, THAT is what concerns me.

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On a personal note, I eat about 70% organic although I suspect the level of control on organic produce may vary. Because I have not found a source of organic meat yet in my area I limit my meat intake to about 1 oz average per day. You have reminded me to pursue finding an organic meat source again.

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Good wishes. I don't doubt it will be possible to find some good ones.

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Fred, I cannot answer that question ' scientifically', but their whole reason for infecting and polluting every known animal and human with their poison, is to pollute all our food sources when it comes to animals.. So I would guess once the poison is in that bird there may or may not be a chance of their immune system getting rid of the foreign poison, or maybe not but their intent is always the same Kill or poison and make money at the same time.. That has been their business strategy forever, create a problem, blame it on something or someone or some country or group or ethnic group or religious group or person, then go to war with armaments', after they have already invested in their stocks and or with bioweapons invested in big pHARMA, always the same create the problem, have the solution ready to go, stoke fear, censorship so no TRUTH gets out to their LIES, divide and conquer then have the solution ready to go..

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I agree with you. I was thinking of finding a local farmer who would not inject the birds. I was wondering once the birds got over bird flu if they would still be safe to have for dinner.

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Jan 5Edited

Fred, there are a ton of parallel systems being set up all over this country, for food, water, seeds, legal, commerce, self sufficiency, currency.. If you can purchase some land, gather your seeds, get with like minded people.. We need to return to GOD and to the land and manufacturing our own clean everything.. Bee keeping, Solar panels and armaments'..

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Yes I have the land, well, seeds and other tools to survive with minimal assistance. I hope Government Armageddon doesn't come however if it does I can survive for awhile.

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Good for you, I am still working on that this year.. WE pray to GOD it will be stopped or at least delayed..

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Some considerations to buying land are listed below:

Tax sales in Canada and some in the US are low cost ways to buy remote unused (unpolluted) land.

Road along property is necessary and hydro is a bonus. (my neighbour at the bunky used to spend $250 a month on gas to run his generator 10 hrs a day). Gas has since gone up in price. Forget relying on solar and wind exclusively, the neighbour tried that too and wasn't reliable enough even with the battery bank.

Look for fine sand subsoil as it is much easier and cheaper for the septic system.

Check if you can sell the timber if it is a wooded area with merchantable lumber.

Generally a quarter acre minimum to feed each adult if you only eat veggies plus 1 to 8 acres for a cow and calf depending on water supply. Check that the soil is fertile for growing crops.

A stream is a bonus.

Access for a well driller.

Set up your homestead before the SHTFan as getting people and supplies during a crisis may not be possible

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For those considering homesteading, see the excellent new book by Annette Sievert, How To Buy A Homestead Property: A complete guide to finding and buying your homestead. It's by a seasoned realtor and homesteader.

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Thank C&C I appreciate that info very much.. Will purchase the book right away..

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Bookmarker her site and ordered the book.. Thanks..

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If you cannot purchase land on your own start a coop with like minded friends or do crowd funding and purchase it as a group.. It can and is being done..

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Change the title to some rich people bought some government official and then name them please.

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They have lost their minds?! The scientific community and immunologist know these self-amplifying mRNA's shed. So that means humans as well as the animals will all be contaminated in time. End of life on planet earth by the lunatic's, we all will lose.

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The vaxx religion hard at work. This is destroying God's creation—they are His animals. Supreme folly!

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So ridiculous. The homeopathic remedy marketed as Oscillococcinum - which is the #1 flu prevention medicine used in France, is made from the liver and heart of a duck. Why a duck? Because ducks never catch the flu.

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Gain of function at its mad science finest😜 Pure quackery! Pardon the pun. 🦆

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GOF is the end of the road for science and mankind. The MIC (military industrial complex — medical industrial complex) has put us down this path to utter destruction!

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There is no such thing as "gain of function" research. Scientists cannot even isolate a virus. If a virus can't be isolated, how could "gain of function" research even be performed? It's all lies, all part of the propaganda.

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True, it is not GOF. It is Gain of DANGER - that's what it really is. Let's label it correctly and expose it for what it is.

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Last time I checked the earth is flat too

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No flat-earther here. Just an MD (a pathologist, with training in microbiology and lab testing) who started questioning things because everything around "COVID" didn't make sense. I actually believed the hype early on, but eventually started doing my own research looking for the truth. I didn't expect to find that the "science" of "virology" really is fraudulent, or that scientists can't even prove colds and flu are contagious illnesses. Call me a quack if you like, but this is where the evidence led me. If you follow Mark and Sam Bailey ("Farewell to Virology" and Dr. Sam Bailey substack) and read Daniel Roytas' book "Can You Catch A Cold?" (among many others), you'll see what I mean.

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No more duck soup.

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