“It may have been designed as a spreadable vaccine for bat colonies with the aim of reducing risks of our troops in Southeast Asia.”
So the creation of covid is altruistic, huh? Why do I think that this is a bit of deep state mumbo jumbo, to reduce the criminality of the past 4 years.
I totally agree.This book looks like being sponsored by Big Pharma/CDC/DoD.
This book is a SCIENCE FICTION theory, identical with COVID, TRIYING TO MUDD THE WATERS EVEN MORE. It tries to atenuate criminality. It makes NO SENSE AT ALL IN SCIENCE TERMS.
Unveiled Shadows: The Nefarious Alliance Between Military-Industrial, Biopharmaceutical Complexes, DARPA, and NIH
The so-called "military-industrial complex" (MIC) has long been a dark force shaping American policy, but its recent marriage with the biopharmaceutical industry, under the watchful eyes of DARPA and NIH, forms a web of collusion that threatens the very fabric of our democracy and public trust. This alliance (Deep State) wrapped in the guise of national security and public health, is a breeding ground for lack of accountability, transparency, and outright deception of the populace.
The Shadowy Pact:
- Military-Industrial Complex (MIC): Once warned against by President Eisenhower, the MIC has morphed into an even more ominous entity, where defense contractors and military brass not only dictate defense policy but now also have a hand in shaping health policy, all while shielded from scrutiny.
- Biopharmaceutical Complex: A behemoth in its own right, this industry, driven by profit, has entwined itself with military agendas, using health crises as opportunities for financial gain under the pretext of national interest.
- DARPA: Far from being just a tech innovator, DARPA has ventured into biomedicine with projects that often serve dual purposes. Their involvement in biodefense research, particularly with entities like EcoHealth Alliance, raises serious questions about the ethical boundaries of such experiments.
- NIH: Scientific integrity? NIH's collaborations with military and defense entities have clouded its mission, prioritizing agendas that align more with secret and deceptive military objectives than with public health.
The Deception and Lack of Accountability:
1. Opaque Funding and Research:
- The funding streams from DARPA and NIH into biopharmaceutical companies and military-linked projects are notoriously opaque. This secrecy often hides the true nature of research, like the contentious "gain of function" studies, which could pose significant risks to public safety.
2. Manipulated Crises:
- There's a disturbing trend where health crises are leveraged for profit and power. The rapid push for vaccines during pandemics, with military involvement, has been criticized for prioritizing speed over safety, potentially at the cost of human lives.
3. Policy Puppeteers:
- The convergence of these entities has created a policy-making environment where transparency is an afterthought. Laws and regulations seem tailored to benefit this coalition rather than protect the public interest, with little room for public or parliamentary oversight.
4. The Public as Guinea Pigs:
- The public is often left in the dark, used as unwitting participants in experiments that serve military or commercial interests first. The rollout of certain medical interventions, like vaccines developed with military funding, has been marked by a lack of clear communication and consent.
The Ethical Abyss:
- This collusion is not just a policy issue but a moral one. The lack of accountability means that when things go wrong, there's no clear entity to hold responsible. Transparency is sacrificed at the altar of "national security," leaving the public in the dark about what's being researched, how it's being funded, or the potential risks involved.
- The manipulation of public health for strategic or financial gain is not only unethical but also undermines trust in both medical science and government institutions.
The alliance between the military-industrial complex, biopharmaceutical industry, DARPA, and NIH is a system where the public's well-being is secondary to profit, power, and geopolitical games. There is no reset button, a total disruption and new organizational shift with focus upon the health, safety, and protection of the American People is FIRST and FOREMOST!
Who were the 100 scientists called upon to disprove this theory? I want to see the list. So many people with impressive credentials with very different, incompatible theories. I would like to see a round table debate about the theories of what COVID actually is and what is causing the illness. There are those who think viruses don’t exist (sifubernie appears to be referring to), those who think spike protein represents cellular debris, dead cells, and others who tell us that it is an outer part of the virus and is responsible for the toxicity of COVID. Let’s get these theorists together and let them argue their positions.
The list is in the back of the book. It starts with Fauci and ends with Robert Redfield (neither responded), but virologists from Yale, Erasmus, Iowa, King's College, etc., did respond.
Sure, anything to falsely 'prove' that there was an actual entirely 'novel' coronavirus that demanded the development and global deployment of a 'vaccine'! When instead there was only a campaign of fear based on nothing at all for the sole purpose of deploying globally a bio-weapon intended to exterminate, maim and sterilize humanity! This by a group of sociopathic and evil entities that made the decision to initiate these plans that they pre-announced according to their policy that if they warned us in advance of their plans, the blame was OURS not THEIRS because we were too stupid not to opposes and resist. Therefore, according to their twisted and demonic logic, we deserved it.
You guys - enough already of trying to give legs to fictions like 'SARSCov2' or 'Long Covid'. You join the ranks of the very enemy you profess to oppose! STOP! Drop the 'market' for your products hustled for 'Long Covid'. Promote them if they are effective for injection immune system damage and mitigation of injection induced foreign 'spike' protein antigen, not for the smokescreen for a bioweapon!
"So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My Word, you are truly My disciples. Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free!” John 8:31, 32
The bioengineered virus is the payload and the associated jab is the trigger. The Blob wants an aerosolized vaccine to create outcomes on demand. This is insanity.
That this author concludes the cover up was not criminal is unjustified. Anderson most likely had his funding threatened and without that he is no longer a world class virologist. That is a crime.
Yes, but after the comment, so appologies Dr Stillwagon. I will link to your great video in a future post b/c this no-virus nonsense. Baric added the furin cleavage site to SARS2 as a shortcut to get coronavirus to grow in his human airway epithelial cells
Notice how it starts with injecting something with a needle. What is that something? Genetic material encapsulated in a shell made of lipids and proteins. That is the definition of a virus. None of that stuff is alive and can therefore be created by man. How are they associated with disease in some people? From the biologically active proteins that get released from the translation of the encapsulated mRNA and the inflammatory immune response to that. And, if you don't believe our cells make proteins from mRNA, well, now we're on a whole new level of trying to refute biology.
I have bought the book. I don't disagree with the time sequences and who did what. HOWEVER, this book misses a key point and it could be that the DARPA whistleblower has deliberately mislead Haslam, to use him as a smoke and mirror diverter of the truth.
Jim Haslam said it's release was an "UNINTENDED consequence of good intentions"
I believe THIS IS A BIOWEAPON, and the proof is in the genetics of the spike, AND is written up in peer reviewed medical literature, most of which is listed in Pubmed - hidden in plain sight - some of which I have put here before.
So here are starter cliff notes, with occasional links and PMIDs. Not all. This too could be a book lol.
On 21 January 2020 Pradhan et al published an article called "Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag" We have the emails showing that FAUCI had that article pulled within a week.
WHY? To protect his own butt. The spike as a whole doesn't JUST use ACE-2 receptors. That it only uses ACE-2, was put out there as a decoy right at the beginning. It was always the intention that the spike would use many receptors.
Those four HIV inserts are very important as a mini cluster bomb in the immune system. HIV inserts stabilize the spike to an open conformation - key for infection, and HIV doesn't use ACE2 receptors. It uses neuropilin, LFA1 recptor CD4 and CD147. HIV gp120 also impairs induction of B-cell responses. Very early on, it was published many times, that infected people had a lot of false positive HIV test results.
In March 2020 Changeaux delineated sequences taken from 3 rabies toxins, cobratoxin and bungarotoxin.
Why is this important?
The military have long looked at the combination of rabies and snake toxins as bioweapons. Some core pubmed articles are Lentz 67, 84, 87, 91. Those articles specifically state that those toxins use the α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. So they knew what would happen.
The rabies snake toxin-like protein also affects spike conformation, AND inhibits interferon.
Cheng 2020, PMID: 33930306 confirmed the HIV, Rabies, 2 sequences from bungarotoxin, 1 from cobratoxin, and the sequences from HIV, but also staphylococcal enterotoxin B superantigen.
There is now abundant research on spike receptors, which include ACE2 receptors (can't miss them out particularly as they are the most abundant and are also on immature erythroid precursors) α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, Cd4, Cd169, CD147, transferrin receptor protein 1, ADAM 10 ADAM 17
By 2022 a longer list of receptors, (and mediators like furin, furin, TMPRSS2, cathepsin L, ADAM17, neuropilin-1, and heparan sulphate) appeared PMID: 35521990 . As of 2024, other receptors for platelets are being discussed PMID: 38139118.
And there are plenty of articles listing neurotoxic amyloidogenic peptides in the spike.
Furthermore Japanese geneticists have added to the discussion of laboratory involvement here:
The fact is that what is mentioned above is, for some humans a clusterbomb in terms of infection, and for those given the gene pro-drug which turns their body into a spike factory along with plasmids with 4 sequences from SV40 and antibiotic resistance genes, along with an open reading frame with a 92% structural alignment with Paeniclostridium sordellii - a ‘lethal toxin’.
it's little wonder so many patients had a severe toxic shock syndrome which Dr Marik found a way to treat, but got sacked for doing so....
So here are my questions for Jim.
If cov-2 was just an accidental unintentional release of GOOD INTENTIONS - aka an aerosolized bat vaccine which would spread asymptomatically, then:
Why bother locking down, or flattening the curve? Good intentions?
Why would all the herbal compounds known to help be taken off the market by March 2020? Good intentions?
Why would hydroxy and ivermectin be taken off the market before covid became widespread? Good intentions?
Why were people told to stay at home and only go to hospital when they couldn't breathe? Good intentions?
Why were people put on respirators and given remdesivir? Good intentions?
Why were the doctors treating early treated like paraiahs and deregistered? Good intentions?
Why were doctors, nurses and parmedics issued gag orders and not allowed to give informed consent about the jab? Good intentions?
Why would the spike have all the above and a whole lot more than I have not discussed? Good intentions?
Why is the jab so destructive in the body? Good intentions?
What would be the POINT of making a spike that bad, just to stick into bats alone? Good intentions?
This is just a short list of questions, but I think you get the point.
The story of unintended consequences doesn't hold any water in my mind, As Dr Ah Kahn Syed always said on his substack, you just have to "BLAST" (gene sequence) your way to the truth.
So while much of the book may well be true, I don't see either good intentions, or unintended consequences. That simply makes no sense, because were it true they should have just admitted it up front, straight away, and treated people as per normal and not paralysed the average mind with the fear that this "asymptomatic bat vaccine release" would kill them.
In my mind, both the spike and the jab are bioweapons, the construct and release of which was deliberate, as shown by Event 201 planning and the fact that all governments destructively marched in lockstep, words and deeds, with the WHO, and Dr Fauci, with contemptuous callous disregard to the truth, to people and the economy.
I believe it was all part of a plan started long ago, which we are not privy to, but which was also just a test run before the next one, which Bill Gates said would "make people really sit up and take note".
All good questions, and I appreciate you trying the book. The HIV inserts paper is discussed in Chapter 15. TLDR: The inserts were also in the RaTG13 and Banal-52 samples used to create the SARS2 genome. The one insert that caught everyone's attention was the furin cleavage site (PRRAR), which does damage to human organs (but not bats). I call lab leak an accident, but the creation and coverup of Covid were no accidents. In Chapter 20, I compare the similarity of the mRNA (human) vaccine patent to Covid (the animal vaccine). Instead of bioweapons, I prefer Fauci's term: dual use research of concern.
Appreciate your answer Jim. As I said, I only touched the surface. Furin cleavage was too obvious for me to mention.
There is a different flag which I don't see you deal with. Why lockdowns? Why "one single source of truth constantly demonising non-compliers? What was the point of creating a population responding from negative emotional diarrhoea?
The answer is in pubmed. In order for the spike to properly open and cause maximum infection, the body must have experienced prolonged ROS. Lots of studies on this, but some which talk about it are PMID: 37155555, and earlier one PMID: 34780781 - and PMID: 24114007 which shows that prolonged ROS creates hypercoagulability. They needed all that, so that when covid and the prodrug started, maximum "hits" were possible.
And again, that is just the tip of one of the many icebergs.
The point is that they KNEW what was required beforehand, and they implemented those plans well before-hand, startin in October 2019, which is another flag indicating that this was indeed a planned bioweapon.
So that is where we disagree. I agree with Mike Yeadon - you don't create something like this unless you have a plan to use it - and not on bats.
I also agree with the Japanese, that Omicron was also a deliberate release of "directly evolution" (aka Jordan Trishton Walker, Pfizer, "Director of research and development, strategic operations and mRNA scientific planning."), particularly that it was first noted near a Puerto Rican Pfizer facility in 2020, long before it's first "detection" in Sth Africa in November 2021, when it was brought in by vaccinated diplomats from Europe. Quite "how", no-one knows....
Their real plan will take a miracle to be known. That said, I can't go along with the term "dual use research of concern'. That is a sanitised phrase, like calling someone who has died, a "metabolically challenged person".
To me, it's a strategic bioweapon. And I also believe that the Danish study which divides their batches into "saline", "mild" and "severe" to also be a deliberate strategy.
After all, if all doses were equal, and all of them were bad, the results would have been so revealing that pulled wool wouldn't be possible... yet today, so many people still have the wool pulled over their eyes.
IMO it's a very careful multilayered plan with as many mazes and bunny trails as possible so that all we see are puffs of smoke, and no gun.
All designed to con people into the next phase....
The creation of Covid and coverup was intentional. Lockdowns were probably self-guilt. These animal vaccines (2-5 years FDA approval) were a pathway to human vaccines (20 years). Why the creators of Covid also created the jabs. Omicron probably from NA wt deer, which US virologists use to model contagious vaccines:
How does the furin cleavage site damage humans? That is kinda' important. Almost everyone contracted the virus. Are there ways to undo the damage? Who is responsible for the harms caused by the leak? Those who created aerosolized SarsCoV2? Was it legal to create it, is it semantics to say DURC vs. GOF, because GOF was banned?
The planners don't care about legal. That is crystal clear. There is no law for them, but plenty for us. e.g. tell the truth and it is called misinformation and in UK you can be jailed for that.
This article on the furin cleavage might provide one answer:
This is depressing, I am guessing 95% of the global population has been exposed to the furin cleavage site on the spike protein, where it acts to move the 'spikes' into the nucleus affecting H3 resulting in an acceleration of pathologies. So, it is more than fusogenic, it creates more problems than increased virulency and infectivity. Oh my God, most people don't know this.
Fauci had it aerosolized by Vincent Munster. Ralph Baric had created a non-transmissible bat vaccine. It seems he was given grants to cooperate with Munster. Creating a transmissible virus with an inserted furin site, which can trigger all sorts of pathogenetic pathways in the human body, which then leaked, was like releasing a nuclear bomb on the world. Fauci gave the green light, but there had to be actors above Fauci who directed him. I wonder who they were, because they unleashed so much death and destruction on millions of people. We have a need and right to know, not for revenge, but to stop it, and find solutions to help.
I see, it does go back to Fauci, he was given free rein, and abused it by taking the very risks, scientists had warned him of, and he did it in clandestine ways. He has to be held accountable, so that the travesty will go mainstream, and the propaganda on the Sars CoV 2 shots is seen through. It will save the lives of many, especially young people who are dying (cancer, autoimmune disease, heart damage etc...) due to Fauci's decisions. He is expert at deflecting when confronted. Yet, he must be confronted until he has nowhere to go except admit the truth, or to where the truth is obvious despite what he says.
“It may have been designed as a spreadable vaccine for bat colonies with the aim of reducing risks of our troops in Southeast Asia.”
So the creation of covid is altruistic, huh? Why do I think that this is a bit of deep state mumbo jumbo, to reduce the criminality of the past 4 years.
The same people that created Covid, created the jab
I totally agree.This book looks like being sponsored by Big Pharma/CDC/DoD.
This book is a SCIENCE FICTION theory, identical with COVID, TRIYING TO MUDD THE WATERS EVEN MORE. It tries to atenuate criminality. It makes NO SENSE AT ALL IN SCIENCE TERMS.
I agree!
The walls are closing in and they are trying to scuttle and confuse.
He is someone's asset that 'they' are getting onto podcast to muddy the waters.
A lot of name dropping.
Here's some more name dropping (not named in the book)
Unveiled Shadows: The Nefarious Alliance Between Military-Industrial, Biopharmaceutical Complexes, DARPA, and NIH
The so-called "military-industrial complex" (MIC) has long been a dark force shaping American policy, but its recent marriage with the biopharmaceutical industry, under the watchful eyes of DARPA and NIH, forms a web of collusion that threatens the very fabric of our democracy and public trust. This alliance (Deep State) wrapped in the guise of national security and public health, is a breeding ground for lack of accountability, transparency, and outright deception of the populace.
The Shadowy Pact:
- Military-Industrial Complex (MIC): Once warned against by President Eisenhower, the MIC has morphed into an even more ominous entity, where defense contractors and military brass not only dictate defense policy but now also have a hand in shaping health policy, all while shielded from scrutiny.
- Biopharmaceutical Complex: A behemoth in its own right, this industry, driven by profit, has entwined itself with military agendas, using health crises as opportunities for financial gain under the pretext of national interest.
- DARPA: Far from being just a tech innovator, DARPA has ventured into biomedicine with projects that often serve dual purposes. Their involvement in biodefense research, particularly with entities like EcoHealth Alliance, raises serious questions about the ethical boundaries of such experiments.
- NIH: Scientific integrity? NIH's collaborations with military and defense entities have clouded its mission, prioritizing agendas that align more with secret and deceptive military objectives than with public health.
The Deception and Lack of Accountability:
1. Opaque Funding and Research:
- The funding streams from DARPA and NIH into biopharmaceutical companies and military-linked projects are notoriously opaque. This secrecy often hides the true nature of research, like the contentious "gain of function" studies, which could pose significant risks to public safety.
2. Manipulated Crises:
- There's a disturbing trend where health crises are leveraged for profit and power. The rapid push for vaccines during pandemics, with military involvement, has been criticized for prioritizing speed over safety, potentially at the cost of human lives.
3. Policy Puppeteers:
- The convergence of these entities has created a policy-making environment where transparency is an afterthought. Laws and regulations seem tailored to benefit this coalition rather than protect the public interest, with little room for public or parliamentary oversight.
4. The Public as Guinea Pigs:
- The public is often left in the dark, used as unwitting participants in experiments that serve military or commercial interests first. The rollout of certain medical interventions, like vaccines developed with military funding, has been marked by a lack of clear communication and consent.
The Ethical Abyss:
- This collusion is not just a policy issue but a moral one. The lack of accountability means that when things go wrong, there's no clear entity to hold responsible. Transparency is sacrificed at the altar of "national security," leaving the public in the dark about what's being researched, how it's being funded, or the potential risks involved.
- The manipulation of public health for strategic or financial gain is not only unethical but also undermines trust in both medical science and government institutions.
The alliance between the military-industrial complex, biopharmaceutical industry, DARPA, and NIH is a system where the public's well-being is secondary to profit, power, and geopolitical games. There is no reset button, a total disruption and new organizational shift with focus upon the health, safety, and protection of the American People is FIRST and FOREMOST!
Further reading:
Who were the 100 scientists called upon to disprove this theory? I want to see the list. So many people with impressive credentials with very different, incompatible theories. I would like to see a round table debate about the theories of what COVID actually is and what is causing the illness. There are those who think viruses don’t exist (sifubernie appears to be referring to), those who think spike protein represents cellular debris, dead cells, and others who tell us that it is an outer part of the virus and is responsible for the toxicity of COVID. Let’s get these theorists together and let them argue their positions.
The list is in the back of the book. It starts with Fauci and ends with Robert Redfield (neither responded), but virologists from Yale, Erasmus, Iowa, King's College, etc., did respond.
Sure, anything to falsely 'prove' that there was an actual entirely 'novel' coronavirus that demanded the development and global deployment of a 'vaccine'! When instead there was only a campaign of fear based on nothing at all for the sole purpose of deploying globally a bio-weapon intended to exterminate, maim and sterilize humanity! This by a group of sociopathic and evil entities that made the decision to initiate these plans that they pre-announced according to their policy that if they warned us in advance of their plans, the blame was OURS not THEIRS because we were too stupid not to opposes and resist. Therefore, according to their twisted and demonic logic, we deserved it.
You guys - enough already of trying to give legs to fictions like 'SARSCov2' or 'Long Covid'. You join the ranks of the very enemy you profess to oppose! STOP! Drop the 'market' for your products hustled for 'Long Covid'. Promote them if they are effective for injection immune system damage and mitigation of injection induced foreign 'spike' protein antigen, not for the smokescreen for a bioweapon!
"So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My Word, you are truly My disciples. Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free!” John 8:31, 32
AT, I would say exactly the same thing. Nothing to add. Thank you.
The bioengineered virus is the payload and the associated jab is the trigger. The Blob wants an aerosolized vaccine to create outcomes on demand. This is insanity.
That this author concludes the cover up was not criminal is unjustified. Anderson most likely had his funding threatened and without that he is no longer a world class virologist. That is a crime.
The creation of Covid and the following coverup was intentional; the release was accidental. Pro-jab Ebright covered this up, not Andersen
Still waiting to hear an explanation on how a "virus" is isolated and how it causes a disease from any well regarded scientist.
In this video I describe an experiment that has not been done that will settle the virus/no virus debate. https://rumble.com/v3tafrv-do-viruses-exist.html
You're carrying big pharma water, claiming no virus
Did you watch the video?
Yes, but after the comment, so appologies Dr Stillwagon. I will link to your great video in a future post b/c this no-virus nonsense. Baric added the furin cleavage site to SARS2 as a shortcut to get coronavirus to grow in his human airway epithelial cells
and get the artificial bat virus into bat cells (which also have furin)
Thank you for the reply. Interesting video. I can see now how the evil was perpetrated.
Notice how it starts with injecting something with a needle. What is that something? Genetic material encapsulated in a shell made of lipids and proteins. That is the definition of a virus. None of that stuff is alive and can therefore be created by man. How are they associated with disease in some people? From the biologically active proteins that get released from the translation of the encapsulated mRNA and the inflammatory immune response to that. And, if you don't believe our cells make proteins from mRNA, well, now we're on a whole new level of trying to refute biology.
He is someones asset.
I do not like this guy. You know You know
He has not revealed anything yet.
I have bought the book. I don't disagree with the time sequences and who did what. HOWEVER, this book misses a key point and it could be that the DARPA whistleblower has deliberately mislead Haslam, to use him as a smoke and mirror diverter of the truth.
Jim Haslam said it's release was an "UNINTENDED consequence of good intentions"
I believe THIS IS A BIOWEAPON, and the proof is in the genetics of the spike, AND is written up in peer reviewed medical literature, most of which is listed in Pubmed - hidden in plain sight - some of which I have put here before.
So here are starter cliff notes, with occasional links and PMIDs. Not all. This too could be a book lol.
On 21 January 2020 Pradhan et al published an article called "Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag" We have the emails showing that FAUCI had that article pulled within a week.
WHY? To protect his own butt. The spike as a whole doesn't JUST use ACE-2 receptors. That it only uses ACE-2, was put out there as a decoy right at the beginning. It was always the intention that the spike would use many receptors.
Those four HIV inserts are very important as a mini cluster bomb in the immune system. HIV inserts stabilize the spike to an open conformation - key for infection, and HIV doesn't use ACE2 receptors. It uses neuropilin, LFA1 recptor CD4 and CD147. HIV gp120 also impairs induction of B-cell responses. Very early on, it was published many times, that infected people had a lot of false positive HIV test results.
In March 2020 Changeaux delineated sequences taken from 3 rabies toxins, cobratoxin and bungarotoxin.
Why is this important?
The military have long looked at the combination of rabies and snake toxins as bioweapons. Some core pubmed articles are Lentz 67, 84, 87, 91. Those articles specifically state that those toxins use the α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. So they knew what would happen.
The rabies snake toxin-like protein also affects spike conformation, AND inhibits interferon.
Cheng 2020, PMID: 33930306 confirmed the HIV, Rabies, 2 sequences from bungarotoxin, 1 from cobratoxin, and the sequences from HIV, but also staphylococcal enterotoxin B superantigen.
There is now abundant research on spike receptors, which include ACE2 receptors (can't miss them out particularly as they are the most abundant and are also on immature erythroid precursors) α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, Cd4, Cd169, CD147, transferrin receptor protein 1, ADAM 10 ADAM 17
By 2022 a longer list of receptors, (and mediators like furin, furin, TMPRSS2, cathepsin L, ADAM17, neuropilin-1, and heparan sulphate) appeared PMID: 35521990 . As of 2024, other receptors for platelets are being discussed PMID: 38139118.
And there are plenty of articles listing neurotoxic amyloidogenic peptides in the spike.
Furthermore Japanese geneticists have added to the discussion of laboratory involvement here:
The fact is that what is mentioned above is, for some humans a clusterbomb in terms of infection, and for those given the gene pro-drug which turns their body into a spike factory along with plasmids with 4 sequences from SV40 and antibiotic resistance genes, along with an open reading frame with a 92% structural alignment with Paeniclostridium sordellii - a ‘lethal toxin’.
it's little wonder so many patients had a severe toxic shock syndrome which Dr Marik found a way to treat, but got sacked for doing so....
So here are my questions for Jim.
If cov-2 was just an accidental unintentional release of GOOD INTENTIONS - aka an aerosolized bat vaccine which would spread asymptomatically, then:
Why bother locking down, or flattening the curve? Good intentions?
Why would all the herbal compounds known to help be taken off the market by March 2020? Good intentions?
Why would hydroxy and ivermectin be taken off the market before covid became widespread? Good intentions?
Why were people told to stay at home and only go to hospital when they couldn't breathe? Good intentions?
Why were people put on respirators and given remdesivir? Good intentions?
Why were the doctors treating early treated like paraiahs and deregistered? Good intentions?
Why were doctors, nurses and parmedics issued gag orders and not allowed to give informed consent about the jab? Good intentions?
Why would the spike have all the above and a whole lot more than I have not discussed? Good intentions?
Why is the jab so destructive in the body? Good intentions?
What would be the POINT of making a spike that bad, just to stick into bats alone? Good intentions?
This is just a short list of questions, but I think you get the point.
The story of unintended consequences doesn't hold any water in my mind, As Dr Ah Kahn Syed always said on his substack, you just have to "BLAST" (gene sequence) your way to the truth.
So while much of the book may well be true, I don't see either good intentions, or unintended consequences. That simply makes no sense, because were it true they should have just admitted it up front, straight away, and treated people as per normal and not paralysed the average mind with the fear that this "asymptomatic bat vaccine release" would kill them.
In my mind, both the spike and the jab are bioweapons, the construct and release of which was deliberate, as shown by Event 201 planning and the fact that all governments destructively marched in lockstep, words and deeds, with the WHO, and Dr Fauci, with contemptuous callous disregard to the truth, to people and the economy.
I believe it was all part of a plan started long ago, which we are not privy to, but which was also just a test run before the next one, which Bill Gates said would "make people really sit up and take note".
All good questions, and I appreciate you trying the book. The HIV inserts paper is discussed in Chapter 15. TLDR: The inserts were also in the RaTG13 and Banal-52 samples used to create the SARS2 genome. The one insert that caught everyone's attention was the furin cleavage site (PRRAR), which does damage to human organs (but not bats). I call lab leak an accident, but the creation and coverup of Covid were no accidents. In Chapter 20, I compare the similarity of the mRNA (human) vaccine patent to Covid (the animal vaccine). Instead of bioweapons, I prefer Fauci's term: dual use research of concern.
Appreciate your answer Jim. As I said, I only touched the surface. Furin cleavage was too obvious for me to mention.
There is a different flag which I don't see you deal with. Why lockdowns? Why "one single source of truth constantly demonising non-compliers? What was the point of creating a population responding from negative emotional diarrhoea?
The answer is in pubmed. In order for the spike to properly open and cause maximum infection, the body must have experienced prolonged ROS. Lots of studies on this, but some which talk about it are PMID: 37155555, and earlier one PMID: 34780781 - and PMID: 24114007 which shows that prolonged ROS creates hypercoagulability. They needed all that, so that when covid and the prodrug started, maximum "hits" were possible.
And again, that is just the tip of one of the many icebergs.
The point is that they KNEW what was required beforehand, and they implemented those plans well before-hand, startin in October 2019, which is another flag indicating that this was indeed a planned bioweapon.
So that is where we disagree. I agree with Mike Yeadon - you don't create something like this unless you have a plan to use it - and not on bats.
I also agree with the Japanese, that Omicron was also a deliberate release of "directly evolution" (aka Jordan Trishton Walker, Pfizer, "Director of research and development, strategic operations and mRNA scientific planning."), particularly that it was first noted near a Puerto Rican Pfizer facility in 2020, long before it's first "detection" in Sth Africa in November 2021, when it was brought in by vaccinated diplomats from Europe. Quite "how", no-one knows....
Their real plan will take a miracle to be known. That said, I can't go along with the term "dual use research of concern'. That is a sanitised phrase, like calling someone who has died, a "metabolically challenged person".
To me, it's a strategic bioweapon. And I also believe that the Danish study which divides their batches into "saline", "mild" and "severe" to also be a deliberate strategy.
After all, if all doses were equal, and all of them were bad, the results would have been so revealing that pulled wool wouldn't be possible... yet today, so many people still have the wool pulled over their eyes.
IMO it's a very careful multilayered plan with as many mazes and bunny trails as possible so that all we see are puffs of smoke, and no gun.
All designed to con people into the next phase....
The creation of Covid and coverup was intentional. Lockdowns were probably self-guilt. These animal vaccines (2-5 years FDA approval) were a pathway to human vaccines (20 years). Why the creators of Covid also created the jabs. Omicron probably from NA wt deer, which US virologists use to model contagious vaccines:
How does the furin cleavage site damage humans? That is kinda' important. Almost everyone contracted the virus. Are there ways to undo the damage? Who is responsible for the harms caused by the leak? Those who created aerosolized SarsCoV2? Was it legal to create it, is it semantics to say DURC vs. GOF, because GOF was banned?
The planners don't care about legal. That is crystal clear. There is no law for them, but plenty for us. e.g. tell the truth and it is called misinformation and in UK you can be jailed for that.
This article on the furin cleavage might provide one answer:
Another useful medical article:
This substack will explain why in greater detail:
This is depressing, I am guessing 95% of the global population has been exposed to the furin cleavage site on the spike protein, where it acts to move the 'spikes' into the nucleus affecting H3 resulting in an acceleration of pathologies. So, it is more than fusogenic, it creates more problems than increased virulency and infectivity. Oh my God, most people don't know this.
It is probably just as well that they don't know....
Walter said it best: the furin cleavage site was used to get the bat virus (vaccine) into the bat cell (which also have furin like us humans):
It's also needed for self-spreading vaccines:
1 answer: Fauci
Fauci had it aerosolized by Vincent Munster. Ralph Baric had created a non-transmissible bat vaccine. It seems he was given grants to cooperate with Munster. Creating a transmissible virus with an inserted furin site, which can trigger all sorts of pathogenetic pathways in the human body, which then leaked, was like releasing a nuclear bomb on the world. Fauci gave the green light, but there had to be actors above Fauci who directed him. I wonder who they were, because they unleashed so much death and destruction on millions of people. We have a need and right to know, not for revenge, but to stop it, and find solutions to help.
Agreed, but Fauci was the US government, top-paid bureaucrat, so he made these decisions:
I see, it does go back to Fauci, he was given free rein, and abused it by taking the very risks, scientists had warned him of, and he did it in clandestine ways. He has to be held accountable, so that the travesty will go mainstream, and the propaganda on the Sars CoV 2 shots is seen through. It will save the lives of many, especially young people who are dying (cancer, autoimmune disease, heart damage etc...) due to Fauci's decisions. He is expert at deflecting when confronted. Yet, he must be confronted until he has nowhere to go except admit the truth, or to where the truth is obvious despite what he says.
get the hook
Yeah, not evil at all: Guinea Pig Kids BBC Documentary https://youtu.be/is6Dtx8bXSU?si=nQwneIgYlagDtEju