One of the benefits of a healthy digestive system, is that when functioning properly, it dissolves the coding of the matter we are consuming BEFORE allowing it into our bloodstreams. Vaccines bypass this system.

"Leaky gut" (caused by vaccination, bad diet, and other toxins/assaults) results in complete DNA chains/coding making it's way into the bloodstream. Hence, FOOD ALLERGIES.

Of course, with vaccination, all manner of complete DNA chains go directly into the bloodstream. And a healthy (or even partially-functional) immune system will ATTACK, (leading to inflammation, and health issues). So the primary "bragging-points" seen in all of the mRNA patents is that they've found ways to "trick" (code for DISABLE) our immune systems, such that the new coding WILL enter the nucleus of our cells and therein REPLICATE.

You see, their argument is basically that it's CHEAPER to mass-produce the vaccine antigens, (bugs) inside of the human body, than it is to mass-produce them in a lab. And as far as they are concerned, the more of the disease-causing agents the human body reproduces, the more "immune" we will become to them. They've just never demonstrated that ENDLESS reproduction of that which makes us SICK is beneficial;-)

So this is the new standard for how to "eradicate" disease-causing agents;-) They will turn all of us into perpetual disease-producing agents, "cuz it stimulates the immune system." ;-) Injecting FECES will also cause an immune reaction. Injecting aluminum or ANY toxin will "trigger" an immune response. And as far as these "scientists" are concerned, it is ALWAYS a good thing to trigger the immune system, in any and all ways possible, EXCEPT via any natural exposures. We must wear masks, spray and spread toxic disinfectants all over ourselves, etc., WHILE directly injecting the so-called "disease causing agents" (along with myriad toxins) directly into our bloodstreams.

This is worse than watching a snake chasing it's tail. NONE of their arguments for injecting us make ANY sense.

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Knowing very little about the studies of the body and living organisms, I have lived my life by paying attention to my body’s reactions and my instincts that have come down to me through millennia...what you are saying makes perfect sense to me!

If something you ate makes you ill, it is probably a poison to your system....’one man’s meat is another man’s poison’ ...and your digestive system will try to reject it. Much different problem for the circulatory system.

I’m a simpleton, no matter how many names or numbers are assigned to the flu, for me it will just be the flu...and once in Thailand in 1965-66 I remember it being so bad I could have died...and so it goes.

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Good sense there. I've been down with double pneumonia, 106 F temp for over a week sustained. Never went to the hospital. Found a way (almost crawling) to get to a little med clinic nearby. Doctor on duty touched my back for a moment, and the pain (all over) dropped by 50% instantly. He gave me some prescriptions (pain killers and antibiotics). He told me to go home, take a HOT bath, put some towels on my bed and some heavy sweats, lots of blankets, and to finish "sweating it out."

I took the painkillers, hot bath, warm cozy clothes, skipped the antibiotics and went to sleep. I woke up 3 hours later feeling GREAT (and soaking wet). I found out later this doctor guy was REALLY a "faith" or "energy" healer. (Which explains the almost instant pain reduction upon his touch.) Now he lives up in the Mountains and no longer works as a "doctor." People come from all over to see him. I haven't needed his services again in over 15 years, but good to know I could hunt him down if needed;-)

The mysteries of this world, which are now unfolding daily, are amazing. As bleak as our present predicament appears at times, I remain hopeful and optimistic. Besides, when this body goes, I'll STILL be okay, so what's the fuss?

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That's the job of your immune system. The jab contains a suppressant,to intentionally prevent it rejecting that foreign mRNA.

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BINGO! They want our own bodies to finish us off, and our tax dollars to pay for it. The older "soft-kill" vaccines weren't killing enough of us FAST ENOUGH to suit them. So now it's the new mRNA "warp speed" death jabs for the useless eaters, the plebs, etc.

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'So the primary "bragging-points" seen in all of the mRNA patents is that they've found ways to "trick" (code for DISABLE) our immune systems, such that the new coding WILL enter the nucleus of our cells and therein REPLICATE.'

Just one point, mRNA does not replicate in the nucleus. That happens in the cytoplasm.

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Actually, three things: 1) the deployed MmRNA ( Modified mRNA) genetic agents are contaminated with DNA that does get into the nucleus & some of it is incorporated into your chromosomal DNA (for ever and ever, amen)--some plasmid & some linear latter gets incorporated; 2) reverse transcriptase is a thing & it’s function is to transcribe mRNA into DNA (in the nucleus). 3) mRNA does not replicate (other than by reverse transcriptase into DNA which is not the usual course), but is used by ribosomes to assemble specific proteins in the cytoplasm--it is the assembly line where individual amino acids are assembled into the product: a functional or structural protein.

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Hi Joy, thank you for your educational response to my response to Tardigrade(not your pen name is it).

I am a recently involuntarily (COVID heresy related) retired family physician. While I have kept up as best as I can with the uncharted COVID & COVID VACCINES literature through Substack, flccc.net, etc. I will is admit that much of what I post is based on my understanding of basic human biology and biochemistry from the mid 1970’s, refreshed PRN. I was describing the basic biology of natural DNA-->RNA-->protein translation, as I understand this is the process that is hijacked for production of the spike protein. And that is the primary advertised/intended mechanism for production of antigen for stimulating immunity to COVID.

I do have some recent & superficial understanding of how that is thought to go wrong due to DNA contamination, cross reactivity with native cell surface proteins, and incorporation into ovarian germ cells.

I was not aware of the research that you cited, and was not commenting on your comment above Tardigrade’s & was not aware of further attempt to hijack the natural process for other ends.

To you final question : exactly what it says mRNA replicating itself (?using polymerase theta?).

Again, thanks for your response.

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Roger, you might want to go look at the graphs on my feed for the nationwide "Control Group" study I conducted. It's now been peer-reviewed and an international journal has published it. It was a major part of our evidence package for our federal lawsuit seeking a nationwide ban on all forms of discrimination based upon vaccination status.

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PLEASE SEE: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41417-023-00619-w to understand that they DO have the technology to ALSO cause our cells to replicate the actual messenger RNA (mRNA). The title of this paper is: "Self Replicating Messenger RNA based cancer immunotherapy"

From the paper: "To address the fundamental inefficiency of mRNA delivery, an additional strategy was to exploit self-replicating RNA, which would allow small amounts of delivered mRNA to be amplified within cells to clinically useful levels."

What do you think "amplified within the cells" means exactly?

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I never said the mRNA ITSELF replicates, or didn't mean to imply such a thing. The mRNA is the delivery system for the coding that will replicate once transcribed into our own cell's coding. Hence, my statement that "the new coding will replicate." If you reread the part of my statement that you chose to quote, it is clear I was not saying that the mRNA is what is replicating.

Additionally, you might find it interesting that they DO have the technical ability to cause our cells to ALSO replicate the messenger RNA, and these days, I have to wonder if they didn't include this in the new death jabs as well. SEE: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41417-023-00619-w

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I did misspeak when I said mRNA replicates. Thanks for the correction about that.

I was just pointing out that RNA stuff happens in the cytoplasm, not the nucleus, where the DNA does its thing. Theoretically (as implied by "bragging rights") the DNA in the nucleus is not affected.

I completely agree with everything else in your comment.

Whether or not it is true in reality (DNA contamination of vaccines affecting patient DNA, unintended consequences of mRNA in vaccine affecting patient DNA, etc.), which I completely accept the possibility of, is outside the scope of my reply.

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Thanks for that. They are continuing to deny that the ENDLESS replication is due to the fact their little "creatures" actually DO enter the nucleus and alter our own DNA. The spike/corona DARPA patents demonstrate that they're lying about his little "detail."

Whether the replication is happening in the nucleus or just somewhere else in the cell is irrelevant. What is relevant, is that their little invention slips past the body's normal defenses and sets up shop as a replicating factory for MORE of their little creatures that DESTROY the human body, even killing off the bone marrow. As if the major organ failures and blood clots were not enough damage already;-)

After seeing the patents for this tech, I am convinced that it inserts it's program into our own DNA, i.e., an injectable, automated, nanotech "crisper" system. And now we're seeing there's no "off-switch" built in, no "timer" after which it will CEASE replicating. So people are turning to their own methods to stop this replication. It does appear we can do it ourselves with alternative medicine. The parasite DNA that they relied upon for the endless replication also has vulnerabilities they were seemingly unable to eliminate from the sequencing.

Hence, the FDA's rabid (death battle) to stop us using ANYTHING that kills parasites;-)

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Andrew Bridgen, member of Parliament in the U.K. has managed to secure a debate on excess deaths this Friday 20th of October.

Excess deaths need to be looked at. Likely multifactorial causes, however vaccine cause should be included.

People in the U.K. are writing to their MPs, asking them to attend this debate. Last time mr. Bridgen spoke to an empty Parliament.

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I’ll bet it’s empty again. For those on the wrong side of history- it truly boggles my mind that they could go along with anything that could harm or kill them and their families. I will never understand. The FEAR was just overwhelming for far too many of us. Those of us who know the truth have to stand up with COURAGE in any way possible.

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How much does it matter if the immediate audience, members of parliament, aren't there? Their reactions will be politically filtered anyway. As before, whatever he says will be broadcast and hopefully go viral. Much more likely to reach receptive ears.

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Plausible deniability as an excuse for the MPs that are bought & paid for by Pfizer.

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Today's headlines:

"During “lockdowns” when American parents couldn’t take their children for routine vaccinations, childhood mortality dropped by 30%. Coincidence?'

"Covid vaccines are triggering rheumatic autoimmune inflammatory diseases"

"Rheumatoid Arthritis nonexistent in non-vaccinated groups".

I submit ALL vaccines are bioweapons against civilian populations. No vaccines are effective. They're all loaded with adjuvants, chemicals and heavy metals that irritate & damage tissues and elicit immune and allergic responses, aka toxins. Poison. Without included toxins, there would be no reaction, no response. Ask yourself, why does anyone need to produce antibodies and mast cells against injected aluminum, mercury, or pegylated cationic lipid nanoparticles Or foreign DNA? The answer should obvious to you. You will never be exposed to such things naturally.

Virology & vaccines are a deadly scam, a long con designed to enrich the few & co tro population growth.

Always have been, always will be.

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'"During “lockdowns” when American parents couldn’t take their children for routine vaccinations, childhood mortality dropped by 30%. Coincidence?''

I am by no means defending vaccination here, but one also has to consider the possibility that the mortality dropping by 30% could also be simply from not visiting doctors at all, not just for vaccination but for everything else. Recall that studies have shown that something like 30% of mortality is iatrogenic, i.e. caused by medical treatment.

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Could be both: SIDS has been plausibly linked to infant vaccines, & iatrogenesis is a thing.

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I'm starting to think infant vaccines have a lot more to answer for than most of us even suspect.

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You & me both

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If they give the same amount/volume of poison to a tiny developing body as to an adult (assuming that the vials contain exactly the same thing) then yes.


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I am not a fan of Star Wars, but I am a big fan of the Book of all books, the Bible. The very last book of the Bible, the book of Revelation, tells us how His story ends. Our hope isn’t in man or this world. It is in Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Check it out! 😊

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In a sense we are fighting Star Wars, as angels are stars and can be light or dark.


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I have SO got to start wearing my Rebel Legion T-shirts again... For the past three years, this line from ANH has been on constant replay in my mind: "The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers." May the Force be with us all.....

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That's the profile pic of the Grand Moff waiting for the Death Star to come into range and blow up the rebel base planet, when suddenly and unexpectedly for him the Death Star blows up instead. He didn't see it coming.

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Bingo! JSL

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My entire family are all JEDI. On the side of the Rebellions' (Non-vaxed nor vexed day#1)

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It went from "the shots don't affect your DNA" to "okay, they do a little, but that's a good thing," to "you're now a walking GMO, sorry."

So many deceptions and LIES - https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/6-ridiculous-propaganda-lines-of

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I would bet your humble body hates all drugs you feed it. It is not meant to absorb so many useless poisons and keep on ticking at a high performance rate. If you take any big pharma products, guess what? Your body hates you...sometimes to death.

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I'm still confused by shedding. What is being shed — spike protein, or the mRNA that programs cells to produce spike protein? If the former, how can it be in high enough volumes to cause problems; wouldn't the immune system deal with it the same as it would any slight COVID-19 exposure? Or does the pseudouridine alteration change this behavior (intact Covid virus does not have the pseudouridine alteration, I don't think)?

If the latter (shedding lipid nanoparticles), that would make a little more sense, but I'd like more clarification on the mechanism. As I understand it, the whole point of the lipid nanoparticles was to keep the mRNA intact long enough to make it into the target cells. Do the shed exosomes contain the mRNA within lipid nanoparticles?

Yes, I know there are innumerable articles about shedding and I need to do some reading. But these are the questions that occur to me whenever I hear about shedding.

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Yes, both spike protein (short term problem) & MmRNA--unnaturally long lasting mRNA--long term problem. The pseudouridine is resistant to enzymatic breakdown & lasts days to weeks to ..., whereas natural mRNA lasts minutes to hours, days @ most, IIRC.

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Short answer - nobody knows. Worse, the people we pay to care, don't.

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EXCELLENT! Trailer is amazing, except I don’t believe there was a pandemic except of fear and criminality. It’s not biologically sound to say a virus could do what they claimed. McCullough has been the bright ray of truth.

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Fear, surprise, a ruthless efficiency and a total devotion to the pope.

Vaccination is an anagram of 'Icon Vatican'.



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20 years ago I was sayi ng to myself regarding the child vaccine schedule: "I'm not giving my kids this Frankenstein shit anymore". My last child, now 16, has had zero shots.

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Orwell might be amazed, but I think not. That today’s ruse of democracy of equity and inclusion, allows all pigs to be free, but that some pigs are freer than others. That the ruse of DEI could render a Constitutional Republic null and void where it was intended to protect and warn fickle, liberal, and progressive democracy from cannibalizing itself with unending victimhood and meaningless equity by tethering the ruse to it’s laws. I doubt he thought the Constitutional Republic could be expunged, but then again he also warned us.

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Let's Budweiser Pfizer. Before accepting any medication, prescription, or OTC, ask if it's a Pfizer med. If so ask for a substitute.

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That double exposure of Gates and the vaccine vial is really haunting and disturbing.

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Pre-production!! Fabulous. Where is it being filmed? I’m a film industry lion who lost her job in March 2020 for standing in her truth. 🙌🏽🌻

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Regarding the second last paragraph, we didn't have significant covid in Australia before the vaccines were rolled out, and for sometime after. The was a huge death signal coincident with the rollout, across almost all causes but most clearly in cardiovascular causes.

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Quite so. I did this on the issue. It was very obvious. From my WordPress site.


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