Our government public health agencies (CDC, NIH and FDA) are at war with the American people. Their actions over the last 4 years are proof of their intent to harm us. The officials that perpetuated these crimes against humanity MUST be held personally accountable.

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Indeed, but those actions did not just start with covid. They have been going on for decades, "under the radar"; and most who now see that are only just becoming aware, not because it just started.

Thankfully, Yhwh God has a great memory and keeps excellent records. He knows full well the whats, and all the whos and whys! None will escape His judgment!

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WHEN????? Does that thought pacifies your frustration and anger?????NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!!!!

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Much sooner than most believe, now. If the Hebrew scholars kept their math straight, since the days of Moses, and subsequent prophets, and that's something they have been pretty good at doing, we have entered, on Passover, the last allotted Shemitah cycle, for this world system, during which Yhwh God's judgment against humanity's sins WILL BE unleashed in full. Those storms, volcanoes, earthquakes, and other natural events we've been having in recent yrs are warnings from Him, not "climate change" and the only "human driver" to them is rampant unrelated sin on a global scale!

The "thought" doesn't "pacify" anything; it reminds me He IS still in control, and has this well in hand. "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.Teach me, Lord, to wait." ~ Yhwh God, via Isaiah.

If it's "not good enough", you may want to check your faith status... It's been His plan for millennia, and all those who went before us have waited a very long time to see this day arrive...

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Thanks Dr. for vocalizing this! I’ve made the same sentiments here: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-covid-19-protocols-killed-millions

And here as well: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/september-11th-and-menticide

When the majority realizes this, then change can truly happen.

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congressional exposure of "redacted" incriminating documents

horrifying report...completely blows their cover for numerous murders.

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I could not agree more!!!I am a Physician and the shock and incredulity that I experienced when finding out about our country's corruption are very difficult to comprehend. The country should actively rebel or we are done as a society!!!! Why are we not go on strike until those criminals are brought to justice!!!!!It is done in other countries all over the world!!!!The WHO is trying very hard AGAIN to control our health and lives!!!!!!!!What are Americans doing?????they are listening to inane and salacious testifying in a made up cangaroo court in NY!!!!!!Americans have become utter MORONS!!!!!!!Do not cry afterwards!!!IF NOT NOW WHEN!!!!!

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Not at all "difficult to comprehend". I just apparently got there ahead of you, and have gotten past the shock part already. I also had experiences in my past that taught me lessons that helped mitigate the shock a bit, particularly about the medical establishment. Society is not rebelling because the majority are so brainwashed they WILL NOT see this truth until it's far too late! Many have been sounding warnings for yrs, that fall on deliberately stopped ears, including me.

I'm an old, hospital school trained and retired RN, old enough to have seen the caliber of nurses falling off as the ANA pushed the 2 and 4 yr college programs, 1 of which I had tried and realized it was not the way to learn nursing, before attending a good hospital school! Even as a student, well over 50 yrs ago, I saw things that gave me pause, added to some I had seen while growing up due to some unusual family circumstances, all of which made it easier for me to see and believe the corruption and politicization of those agencies attached to the medical profession.

I will ask you now to shelve some of the emotion and start thinking rationally instead. I know you learned how to set emotions aside (not shut them off), same as I did, in order to do the jobs we chose. If you don't know Yhwh God as your Redeemer, now is the time to rectify that. One of His most precious gifts is "peace that passenger all understanding", and it's very helpful in these days! I also know you had to learn clinical observation; now is a great time to exercise that! Americans are "listening to lies", because for more than the past 2 generations, that is LITERALLY all they have heard from public schools, media, gov't officials and agencies and yes, even churches and other religious institutions. For most, accepting that that simple fact IS the truth is just too destabilizing and they have no foundation onto which to hold while recovering their bearings, so it's rejected as a " lie". Like the Jack Nicholson line in the court martial scene from " A Few Good Men", "You can't handle the truth", they really can't handle it!

The lies go back long before either of us was born, but they didn't begin to become so blatant and open 'til the '60s really. We don't need a civil war, because this is not just an "American" issue. It truly is a global issue; ALL the world's gov'ts are in it, right up to their beady little eyeballs, especially the bureaucrats who do the "heavy lifting" of governing everywhere! It's gone too far for the relative FEW of us who do see it for what it is, to turn it now. And even if we tried, this is a spiritual war far beyond our mere human capabilities, which has been ongoing for longer than humanity has walked the face of this Earth, which is now reaching its climax, and in which we have been pawns, with only a choice of which side we wish to serve. This, too, is something the bulk of humans refuse to see and accept as reality. But because that climax is now in sight, the conflict is becoming much more savage, as warfare is wont to do! It's not a time to allow emotions to override your reason; you need your wits about you more than ever to avoid the traps!

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As an employee of a major medical center, I will tell you that after 4 years, there is still no formal recognition much less acknowledgment of what went wrong with the COVID pandemic response. On the contrary, their many malign policies and practices are still unashamedly lauded and heralded as triumphs over stubborn skepticism and misinformation. Should another pandemic occur in the near future, I see no indication and have no trust that their reaction will be any different except perhaps, becoming more firm and insistent. The power entities that drove the rigid and refractory agenda are still well in control.

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Sadly, I think what you say is true.

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Take it to the bank!

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Ken, I’d like to introduce you to the possibility that all the pandemic responses were done on purpose: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-covid-19-protocols-killed-millions

It was intentional. Powers that be knew what they were doing.

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AGREE 100%

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You are correct!

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Amen Dr. M, good questions to ask. I have asked those questions already and their non- response is immediate and hostile . I've dropped each doctor. But unfortunately very few handled covid well..I attended that church during covid for a wonderful talk by Eric Metaxas and Dennis Prager. So refreshing to attend an event where people acted normal and not terrified with masks..

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I implore you to check out this article. The takeaway is that we need to be mindful of our “hero’s”: https://open.substack.com/pub/conspiracysarah/p/new-pharma-20-looks-suspiciously?r=19qd1i&utm_medium=ios

Here’s another good one to follow-up with: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-it-does-matter

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The art of war says it all. Our war with microbes is one we cannot win when we rely totally on offensive weapons. On the other hand if our airway defenses were optimal we would not have a problem.

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Much of this about what jersey you are wearing, what jersey have you worn, for your entire adult life. Politics is team sport. So is worldview. For those on the left side of the political spectrum the one thing they cannot do is remove the jersey they proudly put on in their youth. They cannot switch sides, change teams. There is much incentive not to do so, starting with an existential level of cognitive dissonance, loss of money and prestige, the possibility of indictment(we hang together or we hang separately), and on and on. It’s really all too much. Truth is by no means the most important thing. So we are left with the “hostile” response to the tough questions and the spotlight, which they would avoid at all costs. This operation was just way too big, with long arms and deep roots.

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Wow, I have much to say on this post.

First, the pandemic , I believe, caused A LOT of destruction within the body of Christ that nobody wants to be terribly about. In “my branch” of conservative Protestantism esteemed leaders were personally targeted and led astray by none other than Francis Collins himself. If you went to my affluent church you’d never know there’d even been a pandemic. Seriously. I think it is just too hard for people to accept that institutions we have always relied on are totally corrupt. You’d think that they’d at least make a connection that the same folks who would castrate children with hormones and surgery might just lie to you about a “vaccine.”

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For now, the liars are "winning" (seemingly), because the lies are more comfortable, and western society is all about "feelings", so anything that causes " distress" of any sort must be rejected. Nothing "distresses" quite like accountability, so retreating into childishness, with a nanny gov't is a "safe, comfortable" choice! That's what the liars are calling for and providing, or seeming to. By the time these "adult-children" realize this is really "command and control" enslavement, it will be FAR too late!

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Sandra,I hope all reading your above statement, WILL UNDERSTAND YOU, BECAUSE THIS IS THE TRUTH, THE ONLY TRUTH.

Nobody wants to hear the TRUTH bescause THE TRUTH hurts.

Yes, IGNORANCE IS A BLISS. But the bliss is a big LIE. Why do we need to know the truth?

1.We learn what to avoid. 2. We know,specifically,what to pray for, to the ONLY able to help.

3.Most importantly ,because God is THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH (John 14:6).

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Thank-you, Nick. I'm all too aware many will reject this at face value, because Truth is too painful and scary, and they simply are not equipped to deal with it. I have been dealing with that rejection for yrs. It will only get worse, now. We are too near Satan's time to rule on Earth, but if it's "out there", the rare soul brave and strong enough to face the fear and pain will benefit.

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There is no question that Covid and the administration’s collaboration to sleep with corporate corruption and globalist oligarchy is but a symptom of a larger plan to expunge American freedom of body and country sovereignty and its independence guaranteed by the unique Constitutional Republic, standing in their way. One of those facets being the 2008 Trojan horse of Socialist Medicaid eventually for all middle class Americans once homogenized with 50 million global illegals into one big serfdom of the hierarchy. A mandated “one size fits all” medicine for “their people” to experiment on.

It only matters that we focus on specific villains if we intend to go to war on them which is imperative, at least not allow them any quarter, but understand that like all cancers, denying one’s natural defenses allows the most insidious, lest obvious to metastasize. That’s why since the 1960’s university youth “anti war movement” was hijacked and inverted to villainize self defense by taking Eisenhower’s farewell speech about Corporatism collaborating with government and making the “military complex the villain happened. They have been at this tearing down of American institutions a long time. WEF, 1971.

This particular facet of a self corrupted administration that admires totalitarian regimes will isolate dissent to censor it using lawfare and “inclusion” of any hate America ideology as their army under the guise of “democracy”.

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Strike,our life depends on it!!!!!!There is nothing that motivates more the power that be is the interruption of the flow of money!!!!!!

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I am encouraged by the fact that there are a few churches whose pastors are not afraid to speak out on the covid/pandemic. Mine is not one of them. I was told not to mention the covid shots in the ladies' prayer group I attended because I was making the ladies uncomfortable. I quit attending. One of our Bible class teachers, after asking for prayer for a severely vax injured missionary (a good friend of mine) assured his class that vax injuries are rare and then urged the class members to get a booster shot! When I heard about this, I was so angry! I offered to lend this man Dr. McCullough's book, but he declined, saying it was divisive and he didn't want to get involved. The seminary near our home strongly urged staff and students to get the shots. One professor got diagnosed with glioblastoma after receiving a booster shot. Another died recently from some type of cancer. An official at the seminary sent out an email which mocked students who didn't want the shots. Why did Christians so often fail to see the truth? Why did they give in to fear?

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It's a very old story...Since you are a Christian I am sure you have read..if not studied the King James Bible...In this book, Jesus preached to the crowds and who followed him? Was it the rich? Was it the 'money changers'? was it the powerful supporters of the current rulers?

People who are heavily invested in 'the way things are' do not see or believe that those they trusted and thought were honest...had other priorities besides "truth" "freedom" "health" "knowledge" for the great unwashed....Scientist Dr.Mike Yeadon said it best "Your government wants you dead"...mainly because those in the upper echelons of society have nothing to gain and everything to lose for our continued existence. I know that is harsh....It is also harsh and painful to look at the graphs of the massive deaths and injuries these covid "vaccines" have been associated with. All the graphs spike, rise and peak concurrently with the "vaccines"...it is quite disturbing... See Ed Dowd's book on this: CAUSE UNKNOWN.

A real Christian...which I presume you are...who sees the writing on the wall...will side with our creator...who gave us a wondrous set of genes....a marvelous inheritance that should not be laid waste by those evil doers who are using the excuse of a "pandemic" to pillage and destroy everyone else. Buy the book CAUSE UNKNOWN and give it to your pastor--mail it anonymously if need be. He will not need to read all the text to see the evidence of the massive crime we have lived through.....A brief examination and look at all the charts from dozens of countries shows irrefutable evidence that this "vaccine" --as well as the whole covid "great reset" -- was planned in advance to kill, injure and disable human beings around the world and clear out the "useless eaters" so that the "elites" could have the planet to themselves.

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ps...Our government now wants to use the mRNA platform in all childhood "vaccines" ...this will cause a tsunami childhood illness and death. Please also tell everyone to demand the traditional vaccines be given to our children and babies...Otherwise their lives will be short and miserable. In Florida there has been a serious movement to ban this mRNA vaccine platform. This technology is --in itself--a criminal operation

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Foundation and Vaccines

Sourced from Wikipedia: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a private foundation was founded by Bill and melinda in 2000 and is reported as the second largest “charitable” foundation in the world, holding $69 billion in assets as of 2020. …In May 2002, the foundation purchased stocks in pharmaceutical companies Johnson & Johnson, Merck, and Pfizer. …In December 2013 Susan Desmond-Hellmann, president of product development for Genentech before its acquisition by Roche Pharmaceuticals (Sue Desmond-Hellmann was Chief Executive Officer of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation from 2014 to 2020. In March 2024 she was elected as a board member of OpenAI.) …2006, Warren Buffett pledged to give the foundation approximately 10 million Berkshire Hathaway Class B shares.

The following table lists the top receiving organizations to which the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed funding, between 2009 and 2015.

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Thanks for all the info.

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I'm not in favor of any childhood vaccines at this point. It's Russian Roulette. Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak and Turtles All The Way Down are two books that tell the truth.

I agree, mRNA should not be used at all. I saw a hilarious story yesterday. A covid vaccination center in the UK was shut down because two snakes got inside. Yay snakes! But I can't believe people are still taking these shots!

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In my "retirement community"...they were still routinely injecting old and senescent people during medical appointments for OTHER issues. In other words if you went into the clinic with a sprained ankle...you got a covid "vaccine"...When I went down there with my disabled husband to get his Guillaine Barre meds...they tried this on him. Needless to say-- I went ballistic and threatened the MD with lawsuits. Next week a sign appeared on the door to the clinic stating they "Do not offer covid vaccines"...heh...it felt good to defend ourselves from the criminal attack on the civilian populations world wide. Like most cowards and bullies...I think they back down quickly when you stand up to them.

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Love it! Good for you! In 2022, I think it was, my doctor's office said it was time for me to come in for a check-up. I wrote back and said I would not be treated by a physician who was pushing the covid vaccines. I asked if they had faced reality yet or were they still doing so. In response, I got a link to the hospital's website, with absolute lies about the covid vaccines. Those statements are still there in 2024. Needless to say, I haven't returned to that physician's office.

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Ask them They are part of the control group!!!!!

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Dr McCullough, Certainly we cannot win this war

without trustworthy information nor great discernment. That being said, I wanted to ask you if you have seen any recent REAL research on

the effects of the vax on junctional trophoblasts or

production of hCG or any information relating to

the rising miscarriage rate. doc10x

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"Many Church clubs wanted to stay open to also better receive the "money tithe" found nowhere in the Bible. That too, is a fraud and corruption that needs to see the light of day. We can no longer hide behind such phrases as "there's no perfect church" and "we need to keep the lights on" to justify this widespread extortion within the Great Commission money channels." - anonymous

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Artur Pawłowski held his church meetings in the parking lot during covid. The police came and arrested him. He told them he moved to Canada because he was escaping from a criminal gov. and he was not going to bow down to one in his new home!https://www.streetchurch.ca/news/embroiled-canadian-pastor-artur-pawlowski-prepares-for-his-final-trial/

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The Art of Advocacy is the Remedy.

When you can advocate your true and heartfelt wisdom,

while listening and being well in touch with concerns and the uncertainty of others.

Crossing any river is best done when the current is low and slow. Patience and resilience wins.

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We are out of time Randall! just wait to see what happens in a few months. They are keeping an unsustainable economy pinned with needles and fake numbers until the election, and then the fall into a precipice. ,chaos and the take over of the country by the corrupt groups that are in control now.

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Yes yes yes yes yes....the graphic tragic warning has been in effect for half my life.

The dirty rotten hooligans have more luck than the Casinos in Las Vegas!

But I agree.....The day you know it's over, is the same day I know as well.

But the hardest day was yesterday. I'm loving today and grateful to say so.

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Dear Dr. McCollough, Question #4 asks: "Do they have an remorse with any apology to offer ?". Was this text intended to read:

"Do they have any remorse with an apology to offer ?" ? I myself frequently make just these kinds of errors when writing, unless I PROOFREAD what I have written before hitting "SEND" ! A. M. F. 🤔

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Allen Fuller: You misspelled his name. Please take a seat.

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🫣 🥺 😔

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