By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
I had a chance to rejoin acclaimed pastor and media sensation Kap Chatfield for an in-person interview and catch up after our original filming of Ben Tapper’s The Time is Now. Chatfield is young, handsome, and bold. But he even admits on this interview that he was so afraid back in 2021 he took his name off the film as the director.
Kap Chatfield is a Kingdom creator, filmmaker, speaker, and consultant who ministers to the masses on the internet. Now he is back in full force on Directed Life to revisit global suppression of the McCullough Protocol starting in 2020 in order to force the world into mass vaccination. Looking back, this strategy must have been coordinated by the World Health Organization through their 149 country offices and network of National Focal Points.
Despite the clarity of Chatfield’s counternarrative, it has yet to be recognized by any national leader anywhere in the world. Even our two presidential campaigns refused to discuss pandemic response during their campaigns. No country has investigated how this plan was so expertly and simultaneously coordinated and communicated all over the world. Investigative reporters should start with the WHO and its major backers to find out why this organization has such a powerful grip on the world.
Enjoy this full length feature clip and share with your friends.
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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
President, McCullough Foundation
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