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"Greg" the Counter-Sniper Apparently Left Post Directly Behind Crooks

Body-cam footage of roof shows Abbott & Costello ("Who's on first?") style confusion. So-called investigation is an absurd charade.

Body-cam footage has been released that shows what appears to be a federal investigator interviewing local law enforcement officers on the rooftop of the building where Thomas Matthew Crooks shot at former president Trump and was then himself shot. The video timestamp indicate the body-cam footage was shot at 19:08—almost an hour after Crooks fired the shots and was himself shot.

Some of the law officers being interviewed are wearing paramilitary gear and camouflage fatigues. One is wearing a black uniform labelled with words POLICE and SWAT. An officer being interviewed positively identifies the dead man on the roof as the same man who was photographed by a Beaver County Emergency Services officer before the shooting took place. This officer is said to have photographed Thomas Matthew Crooks and shared the photograph with other security personnel at the event.

The law officer being interviewed then directs the investigator to the building immediately behind the rooftop.

Law Officer: I believe the sniper that seen these and sent the pictures is right inside this building [points to taller building with windows directly behind roof]. … So if you go to that window there and yell for Greg—he’s the sniper that sent the original pictures and seen him come from the bike and set the bike back down and lost sight of him. He’s the one that sent the pictures out. I don’t know if you got the same ones I did.

Investigator: I think I did, yeah. He’s got like his glasses on.

Law Officer: [Pulls out his phone to display images of Crooks]. So we have the picture of that. And then this was his bike with his stuff. And our sniper seen him walking away from that I believe. But he would be the one right in that window. He’s the one that physically seen this, sent the pictures, and called it out.

The following photograph is apparently one of the images taken by “Greg” the sniper.

In other words, “Greg” the sniper was watching Crooks from an elevated position before the incident, regarded him as suspicious, photographed him from an elevated position, and then circulated the photograph to other security staff working the event.

Where exactly was “Greg” when he took the photographs? Was he NOT in the building above the rooftop—the building in which he was present after the incident? If not, where was he?

Why was the law officer being interviewed—and another law officer standing nearby called “Michelle”—confident that Greg was in the building right behind them at the time they were speaking with the federal agent on the rooftop? Did they have reason to believe that Greg had been told to be there and to remain there after the shooting?

For some reason, when Crooks climbed up on the roof directly in front of the taller building (with windows) directly behind it, neither the sniper who’d photographed him earlier and nor any other law officers were positioned in the building directly behind Crooks—a position from which they could have easily seen Crooks and intervened.

Where were they? Did they leave their window posts? If so, why?


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