By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Human immunodeficiency virus infection and cancer have many similarities in terms of the phenotypic expression of weakness, muscle wasting, and inanition.  There are a multitude of biologic factors that drive these changes in the human body.  Decades ago, similar changes occurred in readily apparent cases of tuberculosis which for centuries was also referred to as “consumption.”  This implies to the human body being consumed by the disease.  Prescription medicines alone cannot fully reverse all of this pathology.  This is the entre for holistic naturopathic medicine.  Please enjoy this full length interview I had with Dr. Bonnie Mackey, PhD, APRN, APHN-BC, Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner.  She has extensive experience with the inanition, wasting, and relentless catabolic strain that is endured by the human body by HIV infection and by cancer.  I asked her to take on each condition and describe the naturopathic approach to the evaluation and management of these conditions.  It should become readily apparent that prescription pharmaceuticals can only do so much in battling the HIV virus itself or killing cancer cells.  Harnessing the body’s own ability to restore itself and enable it to fight disease is much of what her approach is all about.   The other amazing aspect of our conversation is the degree of complexity involved in holistic medicine.  Advanced use of the clinical laboratory opens up new insights for personalized treatment that is simply impossible without having individualized data.   I think you are going to enjoy this interchange particularly if you have someone in your life with one or even both of these conditions. 

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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

President, McCullough Foundation

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