
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

This show is dedicated to the rationale for the Cape Byron Lighthouse Declaration. The organizing members are: Dr Paul Oosterhuis, Dr Robert Brennan and Ros Nealon-Cook. These three ‘everyday’ Australian health professionals in different fields, individually questioned the government pandemic narrative and spoke out about the potential harms pandemic response measures. All three were immediately targeted by their professional regulators – and their licenses to practice were suspended under immediate action powers created for ‘public protection’. We were fortunate to get Nealon-Cook for an hour to give us her synthesis from a mass psychological perspective on the public response to the pandemic. Her personal story among others led to the Cape Byron Lighthouse Declaration.

Across the globe, the image of the lighthouse standing against a dramatic coastal environment resonates as a potent symbol of human activity in an often wild and treacherous environment.

As navigational aids, lighthouses serve to protect and guide mariners along perilous coastlines – as well as providing safe passage into a bay or harbour. Symbolically, they have come to represent hope and security, as well as possessing powerful spiritual meaning.

Cape Byron Light Station is the easternmost point of the mainland of Australia – and the continent’s most powerful lighthouse. Traditionally known as Cavanba (renamed Byron Bay in 1894), the cape and its environment provided the local Aboriginal people with physical and spiritual resources which sustained both life and culture. Today the Arakwal people are recognised as the official custodians of the area of Byron Bay. They refer to the area of Broken Head and Byron Bay as the ‘Cavanbah’, which means the ‘meeting place’.

Constructed of prefabricated concrete blocks in 1901, the Cape Byron Lighthouse stands on the most easterly point of the Australian mainland and is Australia’s most easterly lighthouse. It is built in the James Barnet style, by his successor, Charles Harding. James Barnet, the New South Wales colonial architect, was renown for his towers having large ornate crowns and are easily distinguished.

The declaration asks you to assert four fundamental points

Please enjoy this careful explanation from Nealon-Cook about why these principles are so important and how our assertion of these fundamental rights supercede any governmental “parenting” of our lives.

Thanks for reading Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake! This post is public so feel free to share it.


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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

President, McCullough Foundation


We invite you to add your voice to support The Cape Byron Lighthouse Declaration.

Ros Nealon-Cook Biosketch: https://lighthousedeclaration.org/ros-nealon-cook/

Website: www.lighthousedeclaration.world

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