Four Horseman Edition: Sold out Souls: SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19--Simple Truths Ignored

Exclusive Interview with Dr. Bret Barker

We are delighted to have Dr. Bret Barker, DNP, FNP, RN, as our featured guest this week.  He has extensive experience with COVID-19 and has been at the bedside of countless decompensating patients.  His observations are priceless.  He has been an outspoken critic of the COVID-19 vaccine campaign since 2020.

Barker’s book, Sold out Souls:  SARS2-COVID 19, Simple Truths Ignored:  Four Horseman Edition is a raw account of what happened during fatal COVID-19 hospitalizations and what he found in practical nursing that help patients as he transitioned to outpatient care.


Here is an excerpt from the book website: “It certainly has been a crazy year in 2020 due to the pandemic. Since then, and now in 2021, the SARS 2 COVID-19 has upended the entire world. Along with the civil unrest in the United States, the pandemic has wreaked havoc in all our lives. I wrote this book to share stories of treatments I have used and have seen worked and detail them. My hope is we will use this science and data to continue to fight this plague. My wish is to help us globally return to normalcy. The pandemic has changed our lives, and some parts may never be the same.  My name is Bret Alan Barker; I am a doctor of nursing practice and family nurse practitioner. I am a critical-care registered nurse and a public health nurse. I have been doing much research this past year, along with caring for patients suffering from Severe Acute Respiratory Disease 2 due to COVID-19 (SARS 2 COVID-19). I have been implementing what makes scientific sense to aid humanity despite the rejection of these ideas. I have worked with other providers of the same mindset, and we have been able to help many. My colleagues and I have been shunned, threatened, and looked upon negatively. We took care of as many people as we could. It saddens me that over the year, alternative treatments for SARS COVID-19 have been avoided or dismissed. Most of this has been due to a lack of studies or lack of efficacy for possible treatments that are readily available. It is my hope the retrospective studies show these treatments have worked.”

Below are the links to the Amazon audible/kindle, Barnes & Noble, and link to free pdf download on Amazon lets Barker sell the book, but NOT advertise it. He was told he violated community standards with three keywords. They were "covid" "treatment" and "survive".  Barker has sent out over 50,000 electronic copies for free to people and encourages redistribution.

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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

President, McCullough Foundation

Audible, Kindle/Amazon soft and hardcover:

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